11 - End of the Year

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Draco's POV:

My nose still feels weird after McGonagall fixed it but I didn't want to go to Madam Pomfrey so I sucked it up. I walked from one class to another with a pain in the middle of my face. Zabbini and I are going back to our common room during our free period when McGonagall stops us. "Here," she says and hands us each a box of macarons. "I was making some for Ron as a get-well gift and well, there were extras so, yeah," she adds. "Thanks!" Zabbini says while eating one. "Serena, I never thanked you for fixing my nose. So thanks." I say. She looks at me and smirks. "Are we on a first-name basis now?" "I couldn't care less what you call me," I say while returning the smirk. She laughs and says, "See you around, Draco."

"Damn. She's hot. I would date her if she were in Slytherin." Zabbini says as McGonagall leaves. "Shove it." I snap.

I'm sitting at the Slytherin table for the end of the year. I am disgusted by the red and gold decorations everywhere. If only I had got the snitch. Then the Great Hall would be covered in the beautiful colors of Slytherin. I sigh as Dumbledore makes his announcements.

After the feast, I head up to my dorm to finish packing my trunk. Another year at Hogwarts, gone.

I get off the Hogwarts Express. My mother was waiting for me. She takes my trunk from me and asks me how my year went. I answer her halfheartedly. My attention was on McGonagall, who was introducing herself to Diggory's father. Was she spending the summer with Diggory? I feel a wave of jealousy wash over me as my mother tries to find out who I was looking at. "Is it her? The girl talking to Amos Diggory?" she asks. "Yeah, mom. I think I like her." I say. "Pureblood?" she asks. "Yes. She's a pureblood. But she's a Gryffindor. So I can't like her. Let's go." I rip my gaze away from her and I walk out of Kings Cross Station with my mother.

Serena's POV:

"Dad, this is Serena McGonagall. She's the friend who I invited to join us this summer." Cedric says. His father looks at me and asks, "Are you two?" "Dad, we're just friends," Cedric says. "Nice to meet you. I'm Serena McGonagall." I say, holding out my hand. "Amos Diggory. You can call me Amos," he says, shaking my hand. "Alright let's go. Grab onto my hand Serena," he instructs me. I grab onto his left arm and he apparates us to his house.

"I'll show Serena to her room," Cedric yells. I follow Cedric into a room with a giant bed, a vanity, a walk-in closet, and a bathroom. "This is the guest room. You'll stay here for the summer," he says. "This is such a nice room!" I gush while examining the lacing on the white curtains. "Silk pillows and a puff blanket. Only the best for my best friend." Cedric says while chuckling. I look Cedric dead in the eye and I say, "Did I ever tell you how awesome you are?" "Might've mentioned it a couple of times," Cedric says.

The next day, Cedric tries to teach me how to play Quidditch. "You're pretty good as a chaser. You should try out for the Gryffindor team," he says. "Maybe," I say, grabbing the quaffle and throwing it in the hoop. "I suck at being a keeper," Cedric adds. I laugh.

Then when we get tired of Quidditch, we head to the lake near his house. Cedric would swim and I would watch him from the bank. Sometimes, when the sun was too hot, I would also get in the water to cool off.

At night, we would sit around the campfire and Amos would make our food on the grill. Every week, when Amos went to the store, he made sure he bought big bags of marshmallows so we could make s'mores. It was the most fun I've had in a while.

"My dad said that something is happening at Hogwarts this year," Cedric says. "What?" I ask. We are laying on the grass watching the stars. "I'm not sure. But this year is going to different. He's been busy working with the Ministry to ensure no deaths occur." he says. "Deaths? Cedric, are you afraid of dying?" I ask. "I'm not sure. I'm afraid of leaving the people I love but that's it," he says. "If you're afraid of dying, you'll come back as a ghost. Like Nearly Headless Nick and the Fat Friar. Would you want to do that?" "No, probably not." I sigh. "You're not leaving me anytime soon," I say. "No. You can count on that." "Good. Because I don't know what I'll do without you." Cedric smiles.

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