29 - Fred & George's Departure

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Serena's POV:

I'm waiting outside of my aunt's office for my appointment. I have to attend a short meeting with her to discuss future careers. "Come in," I hear her say. I walk into her office and Umbridge is there too. Ugh.

I sit down and my aunt smiles. "Well, Serena, have you given any thought about your future career?" she asks. "Well, I looked at a book and there are a few jobs that interest me," I say. "Well, for starters, I definitely don't want to have a job that has anything to do with the Ministry," I say. Professor Umbridge gives a small laugh and says, "As if the Ministry would want you." My aunt glares at her. "I've been thinking along the lines of a Healer or an Owlet Trainer," I say. "An owlet trainer? Hogwarts hasn't had any of those in a while," my aunt says with a smile. "You'll need an OWL in Care for Magical Creatures and Herbology," she says. "Oh and I would say you need to be good at flying in case you ever need to retrieve an owl from a tree," she adds.

"As for the Healer job... you'll need an OWL in Potions, Herbology, and Charms. And an 'Exceeds Expectation' in Transfiguration. You are doing well in most of your classes except for History of Magic and Divination. I think that is all for today," she says and I leave her office.

I walk out and I turn the corner. I stop abruptly because the hallway has been turned into a swamp. I turn around and I see Umbridge storming down the hallway. I follow her out of curiosity. She stops at the courtyard and yells at two familiar redheads. "You two are about to experience what happens to wrongdoers at my school," Umbridge says. "Actually, I don't think we are," Fred says. "I think we've gotten our full-time education," George continues. Together, they raise their wands and yell, "Accio Brooms!"

Behind me, there was a loud bang and I duck. Two brooms race past me and the twins mount their brooms. "STOP THEM!" Umbridge yells. I see Pansy reach for Fred's broom so I take out my wand and mutter, "Petrificous Totalus." She goes stiff and falls to the ground. "Remember the notebook!" George yells. "Give her hell from us," Fred tells Peeves. Peeves takes off his bell hat and sprang to a salute.

With Fred and George gone, Hogwarts wasn't as fun as it used to be. It was still amusing seeing people try to take the place of the twins. Out of everyone's attempts, Peeve's was the best. A few days ago, I was walking down the stairs with my aunt and Peeves was trying to unscrew a chandenlier. My aunt mouths "It unscrews the other way" to Peeves showing me how much the teachers also enjoy making Umbridge suffer.

I was walking down the corridor when I see Peeves. "Hey, Peeves. If you want, I can let you see the notebook of pranks Fred and George left me," I offer. I hand him the notebook and then I say, "Just don't lose it and remember to give it back. The twins won't be happy I just gave their gift away." Peeves nods and flies off with the notebook.

The last match of the Quidditch season arrived and Angelina was going crazy. She was always so stiff and my attempts of trying to calm her down did not work. Ron however, was pretty confident. "I mean, there's nothing to lose right?" he says while we're walking down to the Quidditch Pitch. "Ron, I know you think you suck, but you're really good when you try," I tell him. He scoffs as we enter the stadium.

We mount our brooms and the game begins. Ravenclaw scores. I grab the Quaffle and I speed down the stadium dodging Ravenclaws and Bludgers. I take a deep breath and I aim for the right hoop. Score. Davies has the Quaffle now and she throws it to one of her teammates. I grab it and pass is to Katie who scores. Then Bradley gets the Quaffle and aims for our hoop. Ron blocks it. The rest of the game, Ron keeps on blocking the goals and Ginny got the Snitch. As we reach the ground, I run towards Ron. "I knew you had the talent in you!" I say, giving him a hug. He returns the hug as the Gryffindors erupt with cheers. Angelina comes and says, "Good job team. We did it." And for the first time in weeks, she's grinning.

Our O.W.L.S. were coming up and everyone was studying. I was helping Neville with Potions while he helped me with Herbology. "What is one way to get out of Devil's Snare?" he asks. "Er, you can either stay calm or use a light," I answer. He nods. "What are some pros and cons of Mandrakes?" "They can heal you but their screams are fatal.""Okay, I think you're ready. Now test me." he says. We study for days and it was test time.

Everything was going fine until the night of the Astronomy exam. I was gazing into my telescope until I heard a roar. I look towards that direction and I see figures fighting and beams of red light. Suddenly I hear a familiar scream and one of the figures fell. I realized that was my aunt. After the exam was over, I rush to the Hospital Wing. "Madam Pomfrey!" I gasp, out of breath. "Oh, it's you. Come on in," she says, inviting me in. "Is she alright?" I ask. Madam Pomfrey says, "I'm not sure. I'm thinking we might have to transfer her to St. Mungos. Four stunning spells to her chest. At her age, she is lucky to survive. But never mind that, you go back to your dorm and get some sleep. I'll do everything I can to help her." She rushes me out of the Hospital Wing and I head back to my dorm.

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