32 - Summer Plans

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Draco's POV:

         As soon as I hear that Serena was in the Hospital Wing, I head on over there. I was still pissed that she put the body binding curse on me, but I still loved her. I arrive and I rush over to Serena. "Babe, are you okay?" I ask. She gives me a small nod. Even when she was injured, she looked so beautiful. I couldn't help but kiss her. She kisses me back and when I pull away, her eyes don't meet mine. "Did something happen?" I ask gently. She looks at me and hesitates. "It's okay. You can tell me anything," I say.

         "Well, it's about your father," she says slowly. "What about my father? Did he do something to you?" I ask. "Well yes. But last I heard, he got sent to Azkaban," she tells me. "What did he do to you?" I growl. She starts to say, "Well, nothing much really. Just the Cruciatus Curse and-" "THE CRUCIATUS CURSE? YOU'RE TELLING ME HE USED AN UNFORGIVABLE CURSE ON YOU?" I shout, unable to control my anger. "Babe, relax. I'm okay now. I just sprained my ankle that's all," she says, trying to calm me down. "Don't tell me to relax. He hurt you knowing that you're my girlfriend. He deserves Azkaban," I say coldly. "You don't mean that. He's your father after all," she says. How can she be so nice towards my father after he used an unforgivable curse on her? "I mean every word of it," I say. "No, you don't. You're just angry right now," she says. God, I love this girl. It's not every day you find someone that understands you this much.

          I pull the blanket off and I look at her swelling ankle. "Does it hurt a lot?" I ask. "Yeah, it hurts a bit. But Madam Pomfrey says she can fix it in no time. She actually said to put some ice on it," Serena says. I grab a bag of ice and I put it next to her ankle. "Thank you. And Draco?" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry for putting the body bind curse on you." I laugh. "I'll forgive you if you give me another kiss." She pulls me in and gives me a kiss.

        Madam Pomfrey comes over and starts putting some kind of paste on Serena's ankle and her ankle stops swelling and returns to normal. "She needs her rest," Madam Pomfrey says while rushing me out of the Hospital Wing. I start to protest but Madam Pomfrey won't budge. I frown as I go find Crabbe and Goyle.

         As I see Potter, I wanted to take my anger out on him but I couldn't say that it was because of Serena. "You're dead Potter. You're going to pay for what you did to my father," I say. "At least everyone will know what scumbags they are now," Potter says. No matter how mad I was at my father for using the Cruciatus Curse on Serena, I was still angry that someone insulted him. I reach for my wand but Potter already has his out.

       "Potter!" Snape yells as he heads towards us. "Put that wand away at once. Ten points from Gryff- Ah. I see that Gryffindor has no more points left. In that case, we'll just have to-" "Put some more?" I look up. Professor McGonagall was striding towards us with a bag in one hand. "Crabbe, Goyle, bring this to my office please," She orders, handing her bag over to Crabbe and Goyle. "Right then. I think Potter and his friends deserve fifty points apiece for their bravery in the Department of Mysteries. What do you say, Professor Snape?" she asks. "Oh- well- I suppose..." Snape snapped. "So that's fifty each for Potter, the two Weasleys, Longbottom, Ms. Granger, and my niece," she says with pride. "Oh and fifty for Ms. Lovegood."  Rubies start falling down into Gryffindor and Ravenclaws hourglass. Professor McGonagall tells Potter and I to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Potter runs off and I go back to my dorm.

Serena's POV:
        Shortly after Madam Pomfrey kicked Draco out, my aunt came. "Oh thank god you're alright," I say as she sits at the edge of my bed. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. What happened to you?" she asks. I tell her what happened at the Ministry of Magic and how I ended up in the Hospital Wing. She winces when I tell her about the part of Lucius using the Cruciatus Curse on me. "Well, we are going to be going on break soon. Where do you plan on going?" she asks. "I actually received a letter from Fred and George about that," I answer, giving her a letter. "Are you sure about this?" she asks after she finishes reading. "Positive. It'll be fun and we'll stay safe," I say. "Alright then. If you don't mind, I have some matters to discuss with Dumbledore so I'll get going now," she says, getting up.

           I read Fred and Georges letter again:
      Our premises are doing very well in Diagon Alley. Business is booming and as an added extra, our shop came with a living space in the back. It includes a kitchen, two bedrooms, a living room, and a bathroom. Awesome right? Since you probably don't have any place to go for the summer, how about spending it here? You can help us with the shop and in exchange we'll give you a place to stay and we'll keep you company. Fred doesn't feel like paying someone to help us when we've got you. So if your ok with it, let us know through the mirror!                                                                                                                                             Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes           

            "Hm, looks like your ankle's better now. You can go, just don't put too much pressure on you ankle for now," Madam Pomfrey says while checking my ankle. I thank her and I go to my dorm room. I reach into my trunk and I pull out the silver hand mirror the twins gave me. "Hey Fred and George," I whisper to the mirror. Honestly, I felt kind of dumb for talking to a mirror. That feeling faded when I see Fred pop into my mirror. "Hey, Georgie! She's using the mirror!" Fred yells. Then George pops up and says, "Hey Serena. Got our letter?" "Yeah. I'll take the offer," I say while laughing. "Awesome! Hold on, George, customer!" Fred yells. "It's a bit busy but we'll see you in a week!" Fred says. "Okay, see you!" I say and the twins disappear from the mirror. I put the mirror down and check the time. Then I head down to the Great Hall.

             I run into Harry. "Is this how it feels?" Harry asks. "How what feels?" I ask. "Losing someone so important to you?" he says. Oh right. He lost Sirius. "Well, what do you feel?" I ask. "I feel like I don't care about anything anymore. It's like there's no reason to even live. You just want to be with that person again," he says slowly. "Oh. Well, I didn't really feel like that. I felt angry that Cedric left me and yes, I wanted to be with him again, but I still had reasons to live. I had my aunt, my parents, my friends and Draco. Surely there's someone who you would live for? Someone you would experience the pain of life for?" I say. He thinks about it. "Yeah. Hogwarts and everyone here," he says. "Then that's how it feels," I say simply. He nods. "Are you coming to the feast?" I ask. "Probably not," he replies. "Alright then. See you around," I say and I enter the Great Hall.

             The hall was decorated with the colors of Gryffindor and there was food everywhere. I sit down next to Neville. "Is your ankle healed now?" he asks. "Yeah. It's good now," I say. "You know, I never imagined he would do that to you. He knows that your his son's girlfriend right?" Neville asks. "Oh, er, yeah. We met during Christmas. Anyways, what are you doing for the break?" I ask. "Nothing probably. I'm going back to my gran and I'm probably just going to help her and keep her company. What about you?" he asks. "I'm going to help the Weasley twins with their shop in Diagon Alley. Feel free the drop by," I say. Dumbledore finishes his announcements and we start eating.

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