21 - The Order of the Phoenix

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Serena's POV:

My aunt took me to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place during the summer. "This is the Order of the Phoenix." my aunt told me. "What is it for?" I ask. "It's a group of people who fought against You-Know-Who last time," she answers. "Are they going to fight You-Know-Who this time as well?" I ask. McGonagall nods. "Then I want to join," I say. "Absolutely not." she snaps. "Then why'd you bring me here?" I demand. "Because my brother and sister-in-law are hiding in the muggle world and I don't think that you would want to join them." She's talking about my parents. "The Headquarters is safest right now." She finishes.

After a week, the Weasleys and Hermione join us. I spend the summer helping the twins with their prank products and writing to Draco. "Success!" George yells one day. I'm laying on my bed and I quickly sit up. "What?" I ask. "Extendable Ears!" George says. "Now we can listen to the secret meetings they're always having," Fred adds. "Ooh, let's try it out now!" I say.

We use the extendable ears and it was a success. The meeting however was boring. The only things they talk about are Harry and You-Know-Who.

Weeks passed and nothing interesting happened. Until the day we received the news that Harry was attacked by dementors. He used the Patronus charm and now is in trouble with the Ministry. Dumbledore doesn't let us write to Harry about anything. Harry sure is going to be happy about that.

After a while, Harry arrives. I leave the room for the three of them to reunite. I hear yelling and shouting.

Mrs. Weasley calls us down for dinner and Tonks trips on an umbrella stand. Then the portraits in the hall started screaming. Sirius Black yells at the pictures as Tonks apologizes over and over again for knocking over the umbrella stand.

When everything settles down again, we sit down at the dinner table as Mrs. Weasley puts plates of food in front of us. We had dinner but what happened after dinner was chaos. Mrs. Weasley was cleaning up and Tonks, who insisted on helping, kept knocking things over. Then Fred and George start using their wands to carry all the plates to the sink and Mrs. Weasley yells at them for not using their hands. Then the things they were carrying dropped and spilled everywhere causing Mrs. Weasley to yell at them even more. And on top of all that, Sirius and Mrs. Weasley got into a fight about whether or not they should give Harry information.

After she was outvoted, Mrs. Weasley rushes us all out of the room. I go back to my room which I share with the twins. After an hour or so, they apparate into the room and they tell me what was discussed. The rest of the week, Mrs. Weasley gave us more tasks to do like cleaning the house, throwing out junk, water the plants, etc.

A few days later, Harry went to the Ministry of Magic to have his hearing which resulted in him being cleared of all charges.

The day after Harry's hearing, we got our booklists. I'm with Hermione when I notice her jaw drop. "What?" I ask. "I'm a... prefect!" she says, holding out her badge. "Congrats. Does it say who the other one is?" I ask. "It's probably Harry. Let's go check." Hermione says, getting up. I follow her to Harry and Ron's room. Fred and George are already there. Turns out, Ron got prefect, not Harry. When Mrs. Weasley found out, she was so happy that she went and bought Ron a new broom. Along with the broom, she bought everyone their school books as well.

That night, Mrs. Weasley threw a party celebrating Ron and Hermione as prefects. After the party, I went up to my room and started packing my trunk.

It was September 1st and Mrs. Weasley was rushing everyone to hurry up. She took us to Platform 9 3/4 where Fred and George helped me with my trunk again. "Funny how this happens every year," Fred says. "You'd think she's gotten stronger." George teases. "Shut up," I say, turning red. The twins laugh and I go with them into their compartment.

"The same old squad like two years ago," George says. "Every year, the four of us end up together," Fred adds. "You two drag me here every year. It's not something that happens by chance." I say. "Well, who else would you sit with?" Fred teases.

"Do you think that we'll have Quidditch this year?" Lee asks. "Maybe. If we are, Serena's joining the team." George says. "I am?" I ask. "Yes. You said so last year. Keep your promises." Fred says. I forgot that I had promised Cedric last year that I would try out for Chaser on the Gryffindor team. It's not like he kept his promise to me. said a voice in my head. But he did apologize. I think. "So are you going to?" Lee asks. You promised Ced that you would. Another voice said. "Yeah, I guess I can try," I answer. "Wicked!" George says.

After some time, Draco comes to the compartment. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Fred says. "Careful, or I'll give you detention," Draco says while smirking. He holds up his prefect's badge and the twins burst out laughing. I try to hold back a laugh as Draco says, "It won't be so funny when I give you detention, Weasels." "Draco," I say with a tone in my voice. He looks at me and his gaze softens. "You're lucky she saved you. Next time, I won't let you off that easy," he says to Fred and George.

After Draco leaves, the twins turn to stare at me. "What?' I ask. "How'd you get him to let us off?" Fred asked. "Oh, um, you two don't know?" I ask. "What?" George asks. "Well, we've kinda been seeing each other since the Yule Ball. Like, as in dating." I say quietly. Their mouths fall open. "I knew it." Fred whispers. "He predicted it two years ago. Fred, you're amazing!" George says.

We're sitting in the Great Hall and after the Sorting finished, Dumbledore starts making his announcements. Then a woman in pink, with a toadlike face, stoop up and interrupted Dumbledore. She gave the most boring speech a person could ever come up with.

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