1 - The Beginning

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Serena's POV:

       I stood on Platform 9 3/4 for my first year of Hogwarts at the age of 13. If you don't look at my appearance and just listened to what year I'm in, you would think I'm 11. If I'm 13, then this should be my 3rd year at Hogwarts. All the other third years look at me asking each other if I even went to this school. I ignore them. My parents thought that they shouldn't send me to school because, well, they're overprotective. So I wrote a letter to my aunt begging her to convince my parents to let me go to Hogwarts. And here I am, loading my trunk into the compartment. And struggling. Really struggling.

         "Need any help?" a voice said from behind me. I turn around. Two boys with flaming red hair are behind me. I nod. "Say, Georgie, should we help this poor girl out?" "She seems to be struggling. Should we lend her a hand?" They help me with my luggage and I thank them. "I'm Serena," I say, smiling. "I'm Fred." "And I'm George." "Or maybe I'm George." "And I'm Fred." I laugh. "Say, wanna join us on the ride?" Fred says. "Um, yes, sure. Can I really?" I ask, happy to be making some friends. "Of course! However, there is one condition.." "You see this? It's a candy that makes you puke." "We just need you to test it out for us." They say, grins getting wider. "Is that safe?" I ask curiously. "Absolutely not. That's why we need people to test it for us." "It's quite alright if you pass, you can still sit with us." They lead me into a compartment with another boy. 

       "Hey Lee, guess who we found?" George says. Lee looks at me. "I don't know. I've never met her before." "Well Lee, this is Serena. Serena, this is Lee Jordan." "Hi," I say. "What year are you in?" Lee asks. "I'm in the third year," I answer. "Oh, that sucks," Fred says. "Why? What's wrong with the third year?" I ask, now confused. "Well, first off, us three aren't in the third year. We're in the fourth year." "Also, Malfoy is in your year." "And our little brother Ron is too." "Don't be too harsh on Ron, he's very sensitive to criticism," The three of them burst out laughing. 

          We talk for a few hours and then the train stops and the lights go out. "Are we there already?" I ask. "Why did we stop?" Lee asks, peering out the window. "I'm going to go check it out," I say, getting up. I head for the compartment door and reach for the handle. But before I could, the door opens itself. I turn and ask, "Is this thing automatic or-" BAM. Something, or someone, rammed into me. 

             I rub my head as I get up. "Blimey, what the hell was that?" Lee mutters, "Lumos." A light ignites at the tip of his wand and I look around the compartment. I come face to face with a boy with platinum blonde hair and cold grey eyes. "Malfoy, what the hell are you doing here," Fred growls. "Yeah, how dare you ram into our precious Serena," George says with a grin. He puts his arm around me. "For your information, there are bloody dementors on this train. Dementors. My father will hear about this." Malfoy says. Then he looks at me. "And I couldn't care less about her. She's probably another mudblood." Malfoy spat. 

           "For your information, I am a pureblood. Not that it matters. What kind of person cares about blood status these days anyway?" I snap. "I see some Slytherin in you. How much do you want to bet you'll be in Slytherin?" he sneers. "I'll bet ten galleons I won't be in Slytherin," I say. "Alright, bet," Malfoy says. Then he turns and leaves the compartment. 

            "What a git." I spat. I look at the twins shocked faces and mumble, "Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or anything." George starts laughing and Fred says, "Offend us? Congratulations, you've just increased your rank." "In what?" I ask, looking at them weirdly. "In our friendship of course!" George answers, still laughing. 

Draco's POV:

            I leave the compartment and I find Crabbe and Goyle. "Where were you?" Crabbe asks. "None of your business." I snap. "Let's go check on Potter and Weasel," I suggest. They follow me into Potter's compartment. The Granger girl ignores me. Rude. I start to pick a fight with Weasel. I was successful because Weasel got up to charge at me. I was about to pull out my wand when I here a snore from a man in their compartment. "Who's that?" I ask. "New teacher. What were you saying?" Potter asks. I growl and leave the compartment. I didn't need detention on the first day back. 

             I enter my compartment when Pansy runs over. "Dracoo, babbyy. I was sooooo worried." She gushes. I roll my eyes. Why can't this girl take a hint? I'm clearly not interested. "Not in the mood, Parkinson," I say. I sit down and Pansy slips into the seat beside me, grabbing onto my arm. I sigh and try to take my mind off of things. Turns out, I didn't have to try too hard. The girl from the Weasley cabin was stuck in my head. Her brown hair and brown eyes couldn't leave my mind. Why do I feel like I know her? Did I see her somewhere before? I whack my head with my free arm and I try to think as Pansy clutches onto my other arm like a cat. 

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