41 - Bill & Fleur's Wedding

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Serena's POV:

I've been at the Burrow for a while now. Tonight, everyone left to escort Harry here. Molly wanted me to stay at the Burrow so I could help if anyone got injured or anything. I watched as Molly's face turns pale after Ron, Tonks, Fred, and Mr. Weasley missed their portkey. "It's going to be ok. They'll be alright," I say, trying to comfort her. We hear a loud crash out in the garden and we rush out.

Hagrid had fallen over and I rush over to help him. Hagrid gets up and Harry starts explaining what happened. Then Lupin and George appear. George's face was covered in blood and he was missing an ear. I help him over to the couch where Molly starts wiping the blood away. "Is there any way we can get his ear back?" I ask anxiously. "No. Not when it's been removed by Dark Magic," Molly says. Then someone starts yelling in the garden and Mr. Weasley comes barging in followed closely by Fred.

Fred kneels down next to George. He was lost for words. Finally, he says, "How do you feel, Georgie?" "Saint-like," George answers. Fred gives me a confused look and I give him a shrug. George then says, "You see... I'm holy. Holey, Fred, geddit?" Fred looks dumbfounded and then he says, "Pathetic. Pathetic! So many ear-related jokes and you go for holey?" I laugh as Fred rants on about how terrible the joke was.

After what seemed like forever, Ron and Tonks got here. "We were delayed by Bellatrix and Auntie Muriel was scolding us," Ron explains. And a few minutes later, Bill and Fleur arrived. "Mad-eye's dead," Bill announced. A wave of shock hits all of us. Mad-eye couldn't be dead. It was impossible to believe. "We saw it," Bill says after noticing the looks of shock on all of our faces. That night, no one could sleep. We had finished two bottles of Firewhiskey and we sat in silence. The death of Mad-eye Moody had affected us all greatly.

Molly had asked me to make Bill and Fleur's wedding cake, which I was glad to do. "I'll go to get the things we need," I say. "Are you sure? I could send someone with you," she suggests. "I think I'll be fine," I say. "Arthur can bring you on his way to work and you can come back on your own," Molly says. I agree and the next morning Arthur brought me to Diagon Alley on his way to the Ministry. I head into a shop and buy the things I needed to make the cake and other deserts.

On my way out, I see... Draco Malfoy. I try to cover my face with the bag of ingredients I just bought, but it was too late. "Serena!" he says. He pulls me into an awkward hug. "Draco, let go of me," I say shortly. He looks at me. "I'm really sorry, babe. But if you just let me explain!" he pleads. "I heard your explanation at Astronomy Tower that night," I say. I look at his sad grey eyes. You know he loves you right? The way he looks at you and softens when he's around you. My heart clenched and I knew I was starting to forgive him. "I- fuck- I can't stay mad at you-" I mutter. Draco grabs me and kisses me on the lips. I couldn't help but kiss him back. When he finally pulls away, he says, "I love you so much and I'm so sorry." I grab him and I kiss him. He kisses me back and I could live in this moment forever.

When I finally returned to the Burrow, Molly was hysterical. "You were gone for ages! I thought they got you!" she shouts. "I'm sorry. I ran into someone there and it kept me for a while," I say. She sighs. "Well, at least you're alright now. Never do that again!" she scolds. "Right. Sorry," I mutter.

The following week, I made plates of pastries and a gigantic wedding cake. Molly helped me a lot but she often found herself busy with other wedding preparations.

The day before the wedding, the Minister of Magic payed us a visit. "Sorry to intrude, but I need to see Mr. Harry Potter, Mr. Ron Weasley, Miss Hermioine Granger, and Miss Serena McGonagall," he says. The four of us follow him into a room. "I am here to discuss the will of Albus Dumbledore. I think you all may like to know that he left you each something," he says. "All of us?" Ron asks. "Yes, all of you. Why are you surprised?" Rufus asks. "Well, he was mostly closer with Harry and stuff," Ron sputters. Rufus looks at me and asks, "And would you say that you were close to Dumbledore?" "Well, not really. But my aunt is very close to him," I say. He turns back to the will and reads, "'To Serena McGonagall, I leave a vial of Phoenix tears from my very own phoenix in hopes that she'll put it to good use when the time comes,'" he hands me a small vial of clear liquid. After reading the rest of the will and distributing what Dumbledore left us, he left.

When the wedding day arrived, I put on a light pink dress and I slip on a pair of white heels. I had curled my hair the night before for this occasion. "You look wonderful, honey. Which desert do I bring out first?" Molly asks. "I would say the tarts," I say. Molly grabs the plate of tarts and brings it outside.

A few hours into the party, I walked over to Harry's table who was disguised as "Cousin Barny". Harry was sitting with Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum. He was saying something along the lines of "Vot is the point of being an international Quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken?" He looks up at me. Harry seems to notice so he turns around. "Oh, er, hi Serena," Harry says. "Do you know vho this girl is, Barny?" Krum asks. "Er, that's Serena. She made all the pastries here and the wedding cake," Harry says quickly. Krum looks at me and asks me if I could show him all the food that I made after I said no to a dance. I agree and he follows me over to the desert table.

"Er, this is a cream puff," I say pointing to a plate of cream puffs. "A vot?" he asks, obviously confused. "A cream puff. It's a soft pastry that's filled with cream. You can try one," I suggest. I watch as Krum takes a cream puff and eats it. Then everyone around us started screaming. I grab my wand and I feel the familiar sensation of being squeezed through a tube.

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