42 - The Rest of the Summer

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Serena's POV:

I open my eyes and I see that I just apparated to a lake. "Vell, that was very nice. Vhere in the world are ve?" I gasp as I see Krum who had landed in the lake. "Shit. Sorry. I didn't know you would apparate with me," I apologize as I help him out. I look around and I recognize the familiar lake and campfire. I realized that I had apparated to the back of Cedric's house. I see the Diggory's house in the distance and I head towards it. Krum follows behind me as I knock on the door.

Amos Diggory opens the door and his eyes widen in shock as he sees me and Krum. "Come in," he says after a while. He hands Krum a towel and gives me a cup of tea. "What happened?" he asks. "We were at Bill and Fleur's wedding when the Deatheaters came. I apparated to the river and accidentally brought Krum with me. He fell into the river. And before you ask, I don't know why I suddenly felt like coming here either," I say. Amos looks at me with sad eyes. "You remind me of him. That summer, I never saw you without him. I never thought you two would become so close as friends," Amos says.

"Are you holding up ok?" I ask with a concerned voice. "It's been two years. I still haven't cleaned out his room. It's still the same way as it used to be. The way you two left it that summer. Every day, I blame myself for his death," Amos says. "No one expects you to let go. It's normal to mourn. But you cannot and will not blame yourself for his death," I say gently. "My boy. My son. My only child. If only I didn't tell him to enter the tournament," Amos whispers. "You told him to enter the tournament?" I ask. "Yes. I told him to enter and that if he won he would make me the proudest father ever. I think he took it in a way that I wasn't proud of him. But I was. Don't you blame me now? It was all my fault!" Amos sobs. "It's not your fault. It's no ones fault but He-Who-Must-Not-be-Named," I say.

"An owl just came vith a letter," Krum says, handing me a letter. I open it and I see Mrs. Wealey's familiar handwriting:
We are safe. Dixie just took Mocha with her to find you. I don't think Mocha enjoys being carried by Dixie's talons. But we couldn't stop them from leaving. They are desperate to find you. Anyways we are being watched so don't reply.
I hear a familiar hooting and I look out the window. Sure enough, Dixie and Mocha found me. Dixie drops Mocha in my hands and perches on my shoulders. "Vot is that?" Krum asks, pointing at Mocha. "A badger. His name is Mocha," I answer. "A badger?" Both Krum and Amos ask. "Yeah. My aunt got it for me as a present because my Patronus is a badger. I think it has something to do with Cedric," I say. "You can produce a Patronus?" Amos asks. "Yeah. Expecto Patronum." I say while thinking of happy moments. My Patronus badger flies out of the tip of my wand and Mocha jumps to try to catch it.

We spend a few weeks with Amos and then I finally decide it's time to go back to the Burrow. "Thank you for everything, Amos," I say. Amos gives me a weak smile. "Er, Viktor. Where are you going to go?" I ask. "Not sure. Vhy?" he asks. "Well, because I'm going back to the Burrow and unless you're going to follow me there, I think you should think about where you're going," I say. "I vill come with you to the Burrow," he says. "Alright, then we'll have to find a way to get there without apparating because I hate apparating," I say. "Vell, I am an international Quidditch player. Ve vill travel by broomstick," he says. "What if we're seen?" I ask. "Ve von't be seen," he says. "Do you have a broom we can use, Amos?" I ask. Amos walks to the back of the house and comes back with a broom. "Alright, er, sorry Mocha. I'm gonna have to put you in a carrier so Dixie can carry you," I tell Mocha. I put Mocha in a carrier and Dixie grabs onto it with her talons. I climb onto the broom after Krum and I say, "Follow us and don't drop Mocha."

Krum leans forward on the broom and we're off.

When we finally arrive at the Burrow, Mr. Weasley is there. "I knew you would come back sooner or later. Molly has been sending me here every day to check," he says. "Quick, quick. Grab your stuff. We're going to Muriel's," he rushes me. I run upstairs and I grab my trunk. I never really unpacked. I just grabbed things from the trunk and tossed things back in. I return downstairs with my trunk. "Right. Let's get going then," he says. "What about Krum?" I ask. "Krum?" Mr. Weasley asks and then turns around noticing Krum for the first time. "I vill go back home now," Krum says roughly. "Alright then. Er, thanks for bringing me here," I say. Krum grunts and disapparated. "How are we going to get to Muriel's?" I ask. "We'll apparate," he says. A sick feeling forms in my stomach. "Is that- the only way?" I ask. "Yes. Have you never apparated before?" he asks. "No, I can apparate. I passed the test and all but it's not my favorite way of traveling so I only apparate in emergencies," I say. "Well, it is the only way to get there. So do you think you can manage?" he asks. "Yeah. Sure," I say weakly. I link my arm with his arm and I squeeze my eyes shut.

When I open my eyes again, I'm in the garden of a two-story house. "You fell over," Ginny says, holding out a hand. I grab her hand and she helps me up. "I literally hate apparating so much," I complain. "Well, Fred and George seem to love it. Remember when they first turned seventeen? They apparated all over the house," Ginny says. "Ah, here you are. I was wondering when you would arrive. I was worried you were going to miss the train!" Molly says, rushing over to me. "Train?" I ask in a confused voice. "Yes, the Hogwarts Express leaves tomorrow. It's August 31!" Molly exclaims. "There's no point in unpacking. Just leave your trunk here," Molly says.

The next morning, Arthur brings me and Ginny to King's Station. "Now, you two behave yourselves. Don't get into any trouble or anything, alright?" he says. Ginny and I nod and we walk onto the train.

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