30 - Fight & Flight

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Serena's POV:

      I finished my History of Magic exam feeling wiped out. I see Neville, Ginny, and a blonde-haired girl. "Hey, Neville. How'd you do?" I ask. "Not good. You?" he asks. "I don't think I did well either. History isn't my best subject," I answer. "Oh, uh, you've never met Luna, have you?" Neville asks. I assume that the blonde-haired girl was Luna so I turn to her and say, "I'm Serena McGonagall." "I know. I saw you play Quidditch. You're very good," she says in a dreamy voice. "Do you guys hear that?" she asks. "Luna, are you hearing things again?" Ginny asks gently. "Wait, I hear them too," Neville says suddenly. I listen. "It sounds like... people arguing?" I say, confused. "Let's go check it out," Ginny suggests.

       We walk into a classroom and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were arguing. "Hi. We heard yelling. What's going on?" Ginny asks. "Never you mind," said Harry. "You're being rather rude, you know?" Luna says. Harry swears. "Wait... Harry, they can help!" Hermione says. Hermione explains to us what's going on and we make a plan. Harry sneaks into Umbridge's office and the rest of us were positioned to guard him. I stand with Luna in the corridor to the right of Umbridge's office. Suddenly Luna gives a small scream and I turn around. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy were here. I grab my wand and I yell, "Expelliarmus!" Crabbe's wand flies out of his hand. I was about to fire another spell when Pansy grabs my arms and lock them behind my back. "Too bad Draco isn't here to save you," she taunts.

         She brings me and Luna to Umbridge's office where Harry is still in the fireplace. Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Hermione were already there, each with a member of the Inquisitorial Squad holding them. Umbridge walks over to Harry and grabs him. She starts questioning Harry. "Clearly it was very important for you to talk to somebody. Was it Albus Dumbledore? Or the half-breed Hagrid? I doubt it was Minerva McGonagall, I hear she is still too ill to talk to anyone..." she says. "No thanks to you," I sneer. "Watch it. You don't want to end up like your aunt," Pansy says. "I dare you to try to hurt me," I say. Pansy laughs and starts twisting my arm. Draco notices and grabs Pansy. "Don't you dare," he growls, his voice so low that only the three of us can hear. "Draco- fetch Professor Snape," Umbridge orders. Drago lets go of Pansy and heads out of the room.

          Minutes later, he returns with Professor Snape. "I would like a bottle of Veritaserum, as quick as you can, please," Umbridge says. "You took my last bottle to interrogate Potter." "Surely you can make some more, can't you?" "Certainly. It will be ready in a month." "A month?! But I need it this evening. I just found Potter breaking the rules." "That is of no surprise. He has always thought that the rules do not apply to him." "I wish to interrogate him! I wish that you provide me with a potion that will force him to tell the truth!" "I have already told you, I have no more in my stock. Unless you wish to poison Potter, which by all means, go ahead." "You are on probation! You are being deliberately unhelpful!" Snape bows and starts to leave the room. "He's got Padfoot! He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden!" Harry suddenly shouts. "What is Padfoot? Where is the place where it's hidden? What is he talking about?" Umbridge screeches. "I haven't the slightest idea," Snape says calmly. He leaves the office.

           Furious, Umbridge turns to Harry. "Perhaps, the Cruciatus Curse should loosen your tongue?" she suggests. "If that doesn't work, maybe performing it on one of your friends will?" She looks around, her gaze landing on me. "No! I'll tell you!" Hermione says quickly. "Harry was trying to contact Professor Dumbledore to tell him it's ready!" Hermione lies. "What's ready?" Umbridge asks, her eyes filling with excitement. "The weapon. Dumbledore had us make it," Hermione says. "Bring me to the weapon," Umbridge orders. "I'm not bringing them," Hermione says, gesturing to the Inquisitorial Squad. "It is not for you to set conditions," said Umbridge. "Fine! Then I hope you bring all of them so that they can use it on you!" Hermione shouts. Umbridge looks at the Slytherins unsurely. "Alright. Let's take Potter with us. Lead the way." Umbridge says finally.

          Harry, Umbridge, and Hermione head out leaving Neville, Luna, Ginny, Ron, and I with the Inquisitorial Squad. "Pansy, you bitch. Let go of her," Draco says as soon as they leave. Pansy lets go of me and Draco gives me a hug. I reach for our wands inside his robes and I toss one to Ginny. "Volatilis Lutum!"Ginny yells. Bats start coming out of Goyle's face. I grab another wand and toss it to Neville. "Impedimenta!" Neville shouts and Crabbe freezes. "Stupefy!" I yell and Pansy falls to the ground unconscious. "Petrificous Totalus." I say, pointing my want at Draco. "Sorry babe. The spell will wear off soon. I'll see you later," I say, kneeling down to a still Draco. "Let's go!" Ron yells. And we run out of Umbridge's office, leaving the Inquisitorial Squad stunned and still.

          We run in the direction of the forest and we find Hermione and Ron. "How'd you guys?" Hermione asked. "No time to explain, let's go to London!" Ron says quickly. "But we have no way of getting there," Hermione points out. "We can fly," Luna suggests. "First off, 'we' aren't doing anything if your going to include yourself in that. Second, we don't have brooms," Harry says aggressively. "I've got a broom!" Ginny says. "Well you're not coming. The three of us will be just fine," Harry says shortly. "And why not? What makes you think that you three can take on all of You-Know-Who's Deatheaters?" I demand. "We were all in the DA together. So we'll fight together," Neville says. "Whatever. We still haven't got a way to get there!" Harry says angrily. "I thought we settled that. We're flying!" Luna says. "Look Luna, not all of us can sprout wings and fly!" Ron shouts. "There are other ways of flying," Luna says. "Well I'm not going to ride some nargle or Kacky Snorgle!" Ron yells. "The Crumple-Horned Snorkack can't fly. But they can!" Luna says, gesturing to a pack of thestrals.

        "How many are there?" Ron says, realizing that he couldn't see the thestrals. "Two." "Well, we'll need one more," Hermione says. "There's actually seven of us," Luna points out. "Look, the four of you are not coming because none of you are involved in this," Harry screams. "What do you mean we're not involved? I know Sirius too and in case you forgot, you guys are fighting the man who killed my best friend so I would like some revenge. So are you going to continue protesting or are we going to London?" I ask. "Fine your choice. Let's go," Harry says, giving in. We climb onto the thestrals and head towards London.

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