38 - The Cabinet

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Serena's POV:

The Gryffindor Quidditch team gathered in the Gryffindor common room. "I've got detention every Saturday for the rest of the term. I hate to say this but I won't be able to go to any of the games so we'll have to switch some positions. So, Ginny, you'll be Seeker and Dean will come back as a Chaser. Er, Serena, you can be temporary captain," Harry tells us. "Well, this wouldn't be happening if it weren't for the 'Half-Blood Prince'. It's all because of that book and the Prince," Hermione says. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione start arguing.

The next day, the team walks down the Quidditch Pitch and Katie asks me if I had any tactics as captain. "Just try your best I guess. Er, do it for Harry?" I say unsurely. No wonder I wasn't chosen as Captain originally. I suck at pep talks. "For Harry!" Ginny says. The whistle blows and everyone mounts their brooms. I shake Roger Davies's hand and the game begins.

As the Quaffle is thrown into the air, I catch it and I throw it to Katie. She immediately scores and Gryffindor is up by ten points. "That's ten points for Gryffindor. Did you know that the temporary captain is my friend?" a dreamy voice says into the microphone. Luna's commentary again? I guess she likes that job. "Heads up, Dean!" I say as I throw him the Quaffle. He catches it and makes a goal. "That was nice. I think another ten points to Gryffindor?" Luna says. Katie throws the Quaffle to me and I make another goal. We made 30 goals before Ginny caught the Snitch. "I guess Gryffindor wins, 450 to 140. Pity Ravenclaw didn't win," Luna says.

The celebration in the Gryffindor common room was huge. Everyone was congratulating us when Harry walks in. "HARRY WE WON! WE WON 450 TO 140!" Ron yells. Ginny runs forward and hugs Harry. Then Harry kisses Ginny on the lips. I was shocked. Harry and Ginny? But Ginny's Ron's sister. I look over at Ron who had moved to the back of the room. He had the slightest smile on his face so I guess he was okay with it.

A week passed and everyone was talking about Harry and Ginny. I walk into the Room of Requirement where Draco asked me to meet him. "Hey," I say as I walk in. "Hey babe," he says. He's still examining the cabinet. "What's so special about that cabinet? You've been staring at it for weeks," I say. "I wanna fix it. For my mom," he says. "Is this the present you were talking about during the summer?" I ask. "Yeah," he answers. "Why buy a broken cabinet that you have to fix when you can buy a perfectly good one?" I ask. "This one is special. Do you know any spells that can fix it?" he asks. I plop down on the sofa near him. "Erm, reparo?" I ask. "Tried that. Didn't work," he says. "Well, there is this other one. My aunt mentioned it once. It was to fix some kind of cabinet. But it takes a lot of time and effort," I say. "What do I say?" he asks. "Er, Harmonia Nectere Passus," I say. He starts chanting the spell and pointing his wand at the cabinet.

Weeks later, he says, "It's fixed. It's done." "Great. How are you going to bring it to Narcissa?" I ask. "I'm not sure about that yet. But meet me in the stairwell of Astronomy Tower tonight. You'll find out why I got the Dark Mark," he says. "Alright," I agree.

I'm back in my dorm room when Hermione rushes in. "Serena!" she exclaims. "Yeah?" I ask. "Get your aunt. There's something happening tonight!" she says quickly. "What?" I ask. "Harry thinks that something bad is going to happen tonight," she says. "Like what?" I ask. "I'm not sure. He just has a hunch. Can you please go get your aunt?" she asks impatiently. "Alright," I say, getting up.

I walk to my aunt's office and I knock on her door. "Yes?" she calls from inside. I walk into her office. "Er, Hermione wanted me to get you because Harry thinks something bad is going to happen tonight," I say. "And why does Potter feel that way?" she asks. "I don't know," I answer. "Well, tell Potter that our school is perfectly safe with the extra precautions and Dumbledore," she says. "But Harry left with Dumbledore," I point out. My aunt stands up immediately. "Potter left with Dumbledore?" she asks. I nod and she heads out of the room.

"Harry wanted us to take this luck potion," Hermione says. Everyone takes some of the luck potion. "I'm going to go spy on Snape and you guys help defend the school," Hermione says. "I'll defend Astronomy Tower," I say. Hermione nods and I head towards Astronomy Tower.

"Where are you going?" someone asks behind me. I turn around and I see Professor Lupin. "I said that I'd go defend Astronomy Tower," I say. "I'll come with you," he says. I nod and he follows me to Astronomy Tower.

As soon as I arrive, a figure appears. A Deatheater. "Professor Lupin, are you okay here?" I ask. "Yes, I'll be fine. Go check the tower!" he yells as he duels the Deatheater.

I run into the stairwell of Astronomy Tower and I see Harry. "Harry! What in the world is going on?" I ask in a low voice. He doesn't move. "Are you... frozen?" I ask. "Er, blink once if it's a yes and er, blink twice if it's a no," I say. Harry blinks once. "Ok, so your frozen..." I say slowly. I try to think of a spell that could undo it. Behind me, I hear footsteps. I turn around and I see Professor Snape. Remembering what Hermione had said, I reach for my wand. Snape shakes his head no and puts a finger on his lips indicating for me to be quiet. I put my wand away and I hear someone shout "Expelliarmus!" above me. I peer through the cracks on the floorboard and I see the platinum blonde hair of the boy that I loved.

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