53 - Hogwarts Reborn

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Serena's POV:

September 1st rolled around and I'm standing on Platform 9 3/4 with Draco and Narcissa. "How's Lucius doing?" I ask. "Oh, he's doing alright. They're still not sure whether to send him to Azkaban or let him off so right now he's under house arrest," Narcissa says. "Well, that can't be too bad. What about you?" I ask. "Harry testified for me. He said I lied for him and that I was the reason he's alive," Narcissa says. "You two should get going. Have a good year," Narcissa says to me and Draco. Draco grabs my trunk and his. "I can carry my own trunk-" I start to say. "Nope. It's my job now," he says with a smirk. "We've been dating for three years. Why is it suddenly your job now?" I joke. "Because everyone knows now," Draco answers. "A lot of people knew back then too," I point out. "Well, now everyone knows. And if they don't know, I'll make sure they know that you're taken and you're mine," Draco says with a smirk. "God, you're so cheesy," I say, rolling my eyes. "And you love it," Draco adds.

"Will you two ever stop?" Hermione says impatiently. "You guys are blocking the doorway," Ron says. I grab my trunk from Draco and I load it on the shelf myself. "Want to sit together?" Hermione asks. "Sure, you go find a compartment first," I say. "I'm not sharing a compartment with that mud blood," Draco says. "Oh, come on. It's not like you're sharing a dorm room with her for the rest of the year or something. Besides, Voldemort's gone so blood status no longer matters," I say. Draco pouts. "You promised we would make the best of our last year. And to start on that promise, you should sit with me, Hermione, and Ron," I point out. "Ugh, fine. But only because of you," he says, giving in.

Draco sits down next to me in the compartment with Ron and Hermione. "So who do you think is going to be our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year?" Hermione asks after a long and awkward silence. "No one cares, mud blood," Draco spat. "You know, Malfoy. I was hoping that we could make amends this year because you're my friend's boyfriend," Hermione says. Draco is speechless. "Sure," he mumbles after a while. I try to hide my shock with a grin. Hermione and Ron look taken back as well. Draco looks at all our faces and asks, "What?" "Nothing. I just didn't expect you to agree to play nice," Hermione replies.

Draco leans in next to me and whispers, "Is it that hard to believe that I'm not a git?" "You are a git. And don't say what you always say," I whisper back. "What do I always say?" he asks aloud. "'But I'm your handsome git'," I quote. A smile tugs at his lips and I can tell he's trying hard not to say that sentence. "Well, since we're friends and all now-" Ron starts to say. "We're not friends. I just agreed that I wouldn't be horrible to you guys," Draco snaps, interrupting Ron. Ron ignores that and continues, "... I will appreciate it if you stopped calling my girlfriend a mudblood." Draco opens his mouth to protest but I agree with Ron. "I think that is fair since blood status doesn't matter anymore," I say. Draco makes a small sound that sounds like a growl. "We don't have to rush things," Hermione says quickly. Another round of awkward silence arrives. "Fine. I won't call you a mudblood," Draco says finally, giving in. "Thanks," Hermione says.

When we arrive at Hogwarts, Draco was in a better mood. We walk into the Great Hall and my aunt is standing at the podium. The Sorting Ceremony takes place and then as everyone is seated at their tables, my aunt begins to speak. "Welcome new students and welcome back old students. Last year, we had a very rough year but due to great efforts, Hogwarts is open and ready for education this year. Things will go on as if Dumbledore was still Headmaster except, we have a new addition to the staff. Please welcome Aberforth Dumbledore as our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," she says. I look up to the staff table and I notice Aberforth for the first time. "What about Transfiguration?" Hermione asks in a hushed voice. "Knowing my aunt, she'll probably take both the roles of Transfiguration and Headmistress," I say.

After the dinner, my aunt finds us outside the Great Hall. "Ah, Miss Granger. I need you to come to my office right now. The rest of you go back to your dorms and enjoy your first night back," she says quickly.

As I finish unpacking, Hermione comes in. She places her trunk at the foot of her bed and I look up. Her face was flustered. "What happened?" I ask. "You won't believe it," Hermione gasps. "Try me," I say jokingly. "Ok. So. You know how devestated I was when I didn't get a Head Girl badge in my letter? Well turns out that was because Professor McGonagall hadn't finished deciding at the time. She just gave me the badge!" Hermione says excitedly. "Did you seriously doubt yourself and think you wouldn't be Head Girl? I mean, who else would it be?" I ask. "I don't know. You? You're her niece and stuff," Hermione suggests. "My aunt does not play favorites. Who's the Head Boy?" I ask, genuinely curious. "You won't believe who it is!" Hermione says. "Hm. If Harry were here, it'd propbably be him. Ernie Macmillan? Justin Finch-Fletchley?" I ask. "Nope. Not even close," Hermione says. "Well don't make me guess," I say, slightly annoyed. "It's your boyfriend, silly!" Hermione exclaims. "Draco?" I ask. He was always good academically. "Yes, Draco! You only have one boyfriend," Hermione says.

I roll my eyes. "Your aunt said she didn't just look for people who were good in grades. She said that there were many misunderstandings in the past years and she suspects that people will not like Draco because of his family's role in Voldemorts rise. She hoped that by making him Head Boy, those misunderstandings would be cleared," Hermione says. I purse my lips. It is true that many people will behave negatively towards Draco because he was a Deatheater. Would that bother him?

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