33 - Summer

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Serena's POV:

"Don't forget to write to me," I tell Draco as we say goodbye on Platform 9 3/4. "I promise I'll write to you," he says, kissing me. "Ok, bye then. Have a good summer," I say. "Bye."

I walk from King's Cross Station to the Leaky Cauldron, avoiding the people staring at me for having a trunk and an owl. When I finally get to Diagon Alley, people are crowded around the twin's store. So they weren't kidding when they said business is booming. I wait for the crowd to die down and then I walk into the store. "Hey, Fred! Hey George!" I say. "Hey! Come over here," Fred says. I head towards them. George brings me to the back of the shop where there are a set of stairs. "The living space is upstairs. How'd you do with the trunk after we left?" George jokes. "It took a while but I managed," I say while laughing.

I walk up the stairs with George. "This is going to be your room for the summer. I'll just share a room with Fred for now," George says while I place my trunk down. "We even got an owl perch for Dixie!" George says. "Ooh, thank you," I say while letting Dixie out of her cage. Dixie flies over to the owl perch and falls asleep. "Hm. Guess she was tired. But the two of you weren't kidding when you said you guys were busy. I could see the crowd miles away," I say. "What can I say? The two of us are great businessmen," George says. I laugh.

After I unpacked my stuff, I head back down into the shop. "Welcome back! Here, stock these on that shelf over there," Fred says as soon as I enter. He hands me a few boxes and points to a shelf near the front of the store. I head on over and place the boxes neatly on the shelf. The twins kept on giving me more and more jobs to do. "What would you guys do if I weren't here?" I ask. "Well, I suppose we'll have to close the shop," Fred jokes. I laugh.

Before I knew it, a month had passed. I spent my summer restocking the shelves and baking treats for the twins. It was tiring but fun at the same time. "Here," George says, handing me a letter. I open it. It was a list of books I needed for the new year. "Oh, how time flies. You're going back to Hogwarts in a few weeks," Fred says, frowning. I was excited that I got my list because that meant there's a pretty good chance my friends will be coming to Diagon Alley.

Turns out, I was right because the next Saturday, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny walked into the store. I quickly put the box I was holding down as I give Hermione a hug. "Wow, you got to spend your summer here. Lucky," Ron says. "Well if you consider restocking the shelves and cooking for the twins lucky," I joke. "Oh, how can I thank you for taking care of Fred and George?" Mrs. Weasley says. "They should be ashamed, having someone younger than them take care of them," "Honestly, I don't mind. They're great company," I say quickly. "This is very extraordinary magic!" Hermione exclaims while looking at the Daydream Charm. "For that comment, you can have one for free." I turn around and I see Fred. "If you finish restocking the things in that box, you can go have a break," Fred says. I laugh and say, "Okay, boss." I restock the shelf and I leave the shop.

I see a certain blonde head and I follow him into Konckturn Alley. He walks into a shop called Borgin and Burkes and I debate on whether or not to go inside. I head inside as he finishes his conversation with the shopkeeper. I tap on his shoulder and he whirls around with his wand in my face. "Draco, it's just me," I say. He relaxes and pulls me into a hug. "You only wrote to me once this summer," I say with a frown. "Well, technically, I remember telling you that I would write to you. I never said how many times," he says with a smirk. "Wanna go get our books together?" I ask. "My mom's picking up my books. But I'll go with you," he says to me. Then he turns to the shopkeeper and says, "Remember what I said."

"What was that all about?" I ask. "It's a gift for my mom," he says simply. "Oh ok. Anyways, how was your summer?" I ask. "Nothing too interesting," he says. "Oh. Well, you look really tired so you should go get some sleep," I say. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine," he says.

"Draco, I have your books!" Narcissa shouts, heading towards us. "Hey mom. I'm going to keep her company for now," Draco says. "How's your summer been, darling?" Narcissa asks me. "It's been good. Mostly helped the Weasley twins with their shop," I answer. "Oh, that's pleasant. Draco, honey, we have to go soon," she says. Draco glances at me. "It's alright. I'll go with Harry or someone else," I say. "No. I'm coming with you. We won't be long mom," Draco says, leading me away from Narcissa. I pick up my books and we head out.

"See you next week," Draco says, giving me a quick kiss. We say goodbye and I go back to the shop.

"How about you come back to the Burrow for the remaining week?" Molly asks. "I doubt that those two can get you to Kings Cross Station on time." "Uh, yeah. Sure," I say. "Well, then go grab your stuff. We'll be leaving in an hour," Molly says quickly. I run up to my room and I stuff everything in my trunk. I tell Dixie to get in her cage and I grab everything. "Alright, I'm ready," I say. Fred and George pull me aside and hands me a pouch. "What's this?" I ask. "A hundred galleons. To thank you for all the help this summer," George says. "Are you sure? You guys never said you'd pay me and I'm fine with that," I say. "Of course we're sure!" Fred says. "Now you should go before mom explodes," George says, giving me a quick hug. Fred gives me a hug too and I rejoin the group.

Once we arrive at the Burrow, I let Dixie out of her cage. "Oh. Right! This came a few weeks ago. I guess they didn't want to send it to a crowded prank shop," Molly says, handing me an envelope. I open the letter and I find my O.W.L. grades:
Astronomy A
Care of Magical Creatures O
Charms E
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Divination P
Herbology O
History of Magic A
Potions O
Transfiguration O

I had forgotten all about my grades during the summer. These aren't too bad. I was actually kind of proud of these grades.

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