Musical (Short)

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I was waiting in the wings for my cue to go on stage for my big solo song in the extra-curricular musical the drama and music students had put together.

I felt a tap on my shoulder "Guess who?"

"Josh!" I turned around, shocked. He was supposed to be in the audience, not here! "What are you doing here, you're not supposed to be back here!" 

He just chucked "I wanted to help you. I know how nervous you get before a here I am."

"That's sweet of you J, but you know that Ms Rose will kill you if she finds you back here..." I trailed off as Josh started rubbing his thumb over my knuckles, relaxing me almost instantly.

"You're going to be amazing Scar. Hell, I know you have the best goddamn voice in the whole College. You don't need to be worried. Now get out there and show everyone what you can do." Josh encouraged "And it looks like your brother, Maya and Riley and all of their friends are here to support you."

My lips curved into a soft smile "Thank you Josh. You always know how to get me to calm down."

"Just like when I started to like you." Josh said simply. 

"When was that then J?" I asked, adjusting the sleeves of my costume.

Josh held my hand as he fixed my costume for me "When we acted out that scene from Romeo and Juliet in our High School Senior English class...So I suppose we do have Lilla to thank for all of this..."

"We do." I smiled "Now get your ass back in the audience, I'll be going on stage any minute!"

A/n: Okay this was short and awful (just like me) but I will hopefully have some time to write the last few chapters soon for all y'all!

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now