Goodbye to The Matthews Family? (Part 1)

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I was home for the weekend.

And I didn't know, but it was going to be an eventful weekend.

I was laying down on my bed, listening to some music when my bedroom door creaked open and my mattress dipped a little.

Turning the music off, I sat up and saw the sobbing figure of my brother "Farkle? What's going on? Come and sit up here with me." I gestured for him to come and sit at the head of my bed with me. I turned so I was cross legged, facing him "Tell me what's happening?"

I had never seen Farkle cry scared me. He composed himself just enough to say one phrase "Belgium 1831."

"Farkle...what does that mean." I asked.

He sat up to look at me "When Belgium left the United Kingdom of The Netherlands. They became an independent state and the United Kingdom of The Netherlands broke down completely. That's what's happening with Riley, the Matthews family is leaving." Those words shocked me straight to the core. But Farkle continued talking. "And the thing is, Riley says that it will all be fine, she just...wants people to remember her fondly..."

"What does everyone else say about this?" I knew some of their friends would take it...quite badly to say the least.

"Lucas says that the choice is between what you are leaving behind and what you are going to...and Maya..." Farkle trailed off and smiled.

I smirked at my brother "Maya did what?"

"She said that I was the one who always loved them and tried to protect them. And then she kissed my cheek. I fell off my chair." Farkle blushed.

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing "Oh my god, Farkle come here." I wrapped my arms around my brother "Listen to me Farkle, everything will be just have to trust me on this one."




Topanga had gathered the whole Matthews family, my dad and I, Shawn and Katy, Riley's 'Uncle' Jon and even the famous...Mr Feeny...

Everyone was talking and getting on well. We were all crowded around the couch in the middle of the room, Josh and I taking a precarious seat on the arm of the couch. When all of a sudden everyone went quiet and looked at the door "Hi..." Riley was home.

And she had Maya and Mr Matthews in tow.

"Yeah." Topanga breathed "Big decision and I wanted some advice. Who better to give us advice than these people who have all loved each other forever."

Then a person I had come to know was Eric Matthews stood up and did some awkward wiggle walk over to Feeny "F-f-f-f-f... I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU!" He screamed all of a sudden, almost making me fall off the arm of the couch, steadied quickly by Josh."

"And I'm not talking to you." Feeny replied calmly.

"Fine!" Eric stated.

Feeny leaned forwards in his chair "Double fine."

Eric gasped and pointed a finger at his old teacher "I taught you that!"

"And I taught you everything else." Feeny made a fair point.

But Eric just screamed back "THEN WHY DON'T I KNOW ANYTHING!" He then turned around and very calmly high fived two people and said "Hey Morgan, hey Morgan."

"My brothers, my sister." Josh said to his siblings, Eric's hand on his shoulder.

Cory looked around at his siblings and said "Yeah, we haven't all been in the same place for a long time."

"I don't think we've ever been in the same place together." Said brunette Morgan.

"Nope." Agreed blonde Morgan.

Everyone was quiet again for a moment "Okay, we're going to take this one at a time." Topanga announced to the room. We all hummed and nodded in agreement.

The first group to go and speak to Cory and Topanga was one of Shawn, Katy and Maya.

However, while this was happening, the rest of us were cooped up in a small room in the apartment.

That was when the questions started.

You may think that I am being dramatic, but when your boyfriend's family starts asking questions, grilling you on every subject it is awkward. And when your dad is there too, it gets a hundred times worse. Because he started asking Josh questions too.

"So...Scarlett...what do you intend on doing in the future?" Josh's mother asked.

I smiled softly "Um...I always wanted to go into the field of music and musical theatre, and when Josh helped me get over my stage fright, it really became a possibility..."

Josh's dad made a little noise "Don't you think that it is a very difficult career path?"

"I know, it's just what I really love, so I'd keep trying until something finally worked for me." I explained.

"I see, and how do you plan on supporting a family with my son until that happens?" Josh's mother continued asking questions.

I paused ""

"Okay that's enough thank you Mum." Josh smiled, jumping to my rescue. "And it looks like Shawn and Katy are back, I think Topanga said she wanted to speak to you next."

My dad came and sat in between Josh and I "Joshua, what is the nature of your relationship with my little girl. What are your intentions with her."

"Oh my god." I facepalmed.

"Sir, first of all, most people usually call me Josh." He looked at my dad's expression "Or...Joshua is fine... And I intend on loving your daughter. I really do love Scarlett and if I ever hurt her, even accidentally, I deserve what comes to me Sir."

Dad nodded approvingly before going off to his corner of the room "Josh. what did any of those words mean." I whispered.

"I don't know. But it got him off my back didn't it?" Well played Joshua.

After a few more groups leaving to talk to Topanga, finally it was Feeny. 

And when that was over, all of us went back to the living room, where as soon as she saw me, Maya practically jumped at me. "Shawn is adopting me, Scarlett I have a dad!"

"Oh my god Maya! That's amazing!" The blonde hugged me tight and in that moment she seemed so happy, all worries of the past few days gone.

I only hoped she could stay this way.

Even if Riley had to leave.

A/N: I am sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger ish thing here but hopefully I will have the next chapter up either tonight or tomorrow at some point.

Love you all!

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