College Problems

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College had been a nightmare.

Classes were difficult, my room mate was getting more and more annoying every day (she had a new guy in every day and she took up 90 percent of the cupboard space) and our different commitments meant that outside of the weekends, I barely saw Josh.

I knew that my roommate was going to be out with one of her 'dates' so I was sure she wasn't going to be back until the early hours of the morning.

So of course I did the first thing I could think of.

Picked up my phone and clicked on Josh's contact and waited until he answered "Hello?" He said quietly "Scar? Is there anything wrong? What's happening?"

I sighed "No...but I miss you..." I heard a slight chuckle from the other end of the line "What? Josh! It is not funny!"

"No..." He laughed "It's your door..." So I got up and opened the door to my dorm, and there was Josh...holding a bouquet of flowers. "Surprise..." He blushed sheepishly.

I gestured for him to come into my dorm "Why are you here? Not that I'm complaining...but why?"

"So, you know my roommate?" Josh started.

"Shnoopaloop?" I asked.

He nodded "Shnoopaloop...Anyway, he is the guy who went out with your roommate tonight and she told him that you had been moping around recently. And of course he told me, I am..."

He passed me the flowers and I gladly took them, placing them in the now no longer empty vase by my bed "Well...thank you for coming." I smiled. Then I grabbed his hand and pulled him down on to my bed "C'mon Josh, I want cuddles."

He followed and lied down on my bed, facing me, and as I had a single bed, I could feel his every breath on my face and it slowly relaxed me "Sleep gorgeous." Josh said as he pushed the hair out of my eyes and soon enough I let sleep consume me, comfortable in knowing that Josh would be there when I woke up.




I woke up the next morning with the sunlight streaming down on my face.

I looked to the side and saw Josh next to me, breathing gently, the morning sunlight highlighting his features in a golden glow.

But then I heard the giggling.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and saw my roommate (Tiffany) and Shnoopaloop standing above Josh and I laughing. "What?" I questioned.

"Check your phone." Tiffany giggled before grabbing Shnoopaloop's hand and sashaying out of the room, but almost tripping over the things she had left on the floor.

I picked up my phone and saw a load of notifications from Instagram.

My head dropped back down on to my pillow when I saw what Tiffany had posted. It was a picture of Josh and I cuddled up, with the caption: "Maybe they are just too cool for school...#love #ewww #GET TO CLASS  @scar_minkus  @joshmatthews"

I heard a soft chuckle from beside me "That girl is creative...isn't she..." Josh muttered sarcastically "But her photography skills on the other hand..."

"Josh!" I laughed as he took my phone away, putting it back on the nightstand as he then wrapped his arms back around me.

"What?" Josh asked "It's Saturday, we have all day for cuddles." And it didn't take me long to give in to him, so we spent a blissful, quiet day together, just in the warm, safe, loving arms of each other.

And I couldn't have asked for anything better.

A/N: I apologise for this, it is kind of a short filler chapter if you will, however my school will be on holiday in just over a weeks time so I will have a few weeks to write for you and I hope to finish this book then.

Also, I got noticed by Uriah Shelton on instagram and I died!!!

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now