See You at School

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A couple of days later, it was my first English lesson knowing about the existence of Josh Matthews. 

I then realised why I had never met Josh before. When he waved at me from his seat, I realised that our seats were the furthest apart any seats in our classroom could be. He was seated in the back left and I was in the front right.

However, after the lesson, Josh came to Lil and I on our way to lunch. "Hey, Scarlett, would it be okay for me to join you and Lilla?" Josh asked.

I looked over at Lilla, who shrugged as if to say 'I don't care'. "Sure Josh."

About halfway through lunch - while Josh and I were laughing and Lilla was making comments about her being a third wheel - one of Josh's soccer team fake friends made his way over to our table. "Matthews, what are you doing with these two losers?" He snarled "She's a Minkus. Her and her friend aren't worth your time."

"Yes. She is. Scarlett and Lilla are the nicest people you would ever meet, and you would know that if any of you bothered to get to know them. So I think that they actually are worth my time." Josh sassed.

The boy scoffed and then left Josh, Lilla and I at our table "No one has ever bothered to stand up for us before." I smiled.

"You deserve it." He said "People shouldn't judge anybody before they really get to know them. Especially the two of  you." Josh finished and I couldn't stop smiling and blushing. I could not get over how nice he was to Lilla and I.

The bell went and so we went to our separate classes. Lilla shot me a look and then said "Does Scar have a crush?" She smiled at me in that teasing best friend way.

"No." I replied "It's just nice to know that we have another friend. He stood up for us Lils! Isn't it amazing!"  

And at that point I wasn't lying to her.

That was a good thing because Lilla and I couldn't lie to each other. It was part of the 'besties rule book' we wrote when we were around eight. Some other rules were, when apologising, you have to do something that proves you are sorry, and always be happy for your best friend, never be jealous of them.

Maybe Lilla had seen something between Josh and I, but I hadn't.

Maybe at this point in time I didn't have romantic feelings about Josh, and nobody knew how Josh felt about

But there was plenty of time for that, especially since Lilla, Josh, Adam (Josh's real friend) and I had been put into a group for our English Project.

Our project was to write and perform a re written scene of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. I bet you all know where Lilla was going with this. She decided to put me as Juliet and Josh as Romeo. Lils decided that she would play Lady Capulet and Adam was Lord Monatague.

On asking why she did this, Lilla admitted that she gave us these roles because both her and Adam thought giving Josh and I the roles of the Star Crossed Lovers would initiate some kind of a spark.

Let's just say that it did not work.

The only thing that happened was me forgetting almost all of my lines. And this was because... of my terrible stage fright.

Nobody knew about it, not even Lilla, which meant that I had broken one of the most important rules in our 'besties rule book'.

I only took the role to make Lils happy.

So, when I froze in front of the whole class while we were supposed to be performing our scene and ran out of the class, it shocked everyone. Even though he is not a brilliant actor, my brother got all of the stage presence from our family.

Josh followed me out and sat next to me on the bench outside our classroom "Scar? What happened in there?"

"I didn't want anyone to find out," I whispered "Especially not in this way. But I have severe stage fright, I only said I'd be Juliet to help Lils." I sighed.

"Well...there's nothing to be scared of. When you are acting,'re somebody else." He explained "Do you want to try again?"

I nodded and we made back to the classroom and we finished the scene. I hugged Lilla and we made our way to sit, but not before Josh could walk over to me and wrap me in a hug. "You did good today Scar. I'm proud of you."

That made me happier than I had ever felt before.

And I couldn't think why.

A/N: This is going to be the average length of a chapter I think.

Love you all! 

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now