Lucas and Riley

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Maya and I walked arm in arm back to the stairs. You see, throughout this whole ordeal, I had discovered that there was a little nook at the top of the stairs in Mount Sunlodge which was a fabulous place to eavesdrop.

We saw Riley and Evan coming back into the building talking. We didn't know the context of the conversation, but we heard Evan saying "See when you bring people to a place they've never been before, and they realise they've finally made it, it's this look on their faces that make it all worthwhile."

"How do they look?" Riley asked.

"Well, they look like the whole world has new possibilities, its a certain look. I know when I see it." He smiled at Riley.

Riley sent him back a similar smile "I think you'll make a great Sherpa some day."

"Thank you." Evan said simply before leaving. My god, that was the most boring sounding response I have ever heard.

Then Lucas came past Maya and I at the top of the stairs, although I don't think he noticed us. And he sat down next to Riley in the bay window of the ski lodge.

"My favourite thing in this world is when you talk to me." 

"It is?" Riley said.

Lucas then let out a slightly nervous laugh "It's okay for you to talk to whoever you want, Riley, you know why? Because I am a secure Western Hero."

"Yes, yes you are." Riley answered sounding rather confused.

And then we heard a voice coming from behind us. "What are you two doing?" Both of us looked up in the fear that Cory had found us eavesdropping. But it was just Josh.

"Eavesdropping." Maya answered bluntly.

"Really?" Josh said "Again Scarlett? You really need to stop this habit."

I rolled my eyes before pulling Josh down in between Maya and I "Shut up and come join us, this is getting interesting."

We all quieted down enough to hear Lucas' next sentence "But the important talks...the ones that we're going to think about and always remember. Can those just be between you and me?" He questioned.

"Well, I don't know Lucas. how could that happen?" Riley said. What was that? Was our little ray of sunshine sounding sarcastic?

Lucas then moved closer to Riley "Well, I was thinking that if we were together a little more, that you would only talk to other people a little bit and you would talk to me...a lot..." Was he going to say what I thought he was going to say? Maybe. But something I had learnt about these guys is to expect the unexpected.

"That's what you were thinking?" Riley inquired.

"Yeah." Lucas took Riley's had in his "I think about it all the time."

Riley then suggested "So, if there was some dance or something, maybe we could go together..."

"Yeah. Without even asking each other."

But Riley wasn't done with asking questions yet "And if you went out and got a sandwich or something, maybe you would think to get me one too?"

"And a drink. And cake." Riley beamed at this "So, you've been thinking about this too?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think about it all the time." Riley mimicked Lucas' sentence from earlier "But we always said that the most important thing was that nobody got hurt. Will Maya be okay?"

"She's the one who sent me to you." I looked at the blonde who was sitting mere metres away from her best friend and even closer to me. She was beaming.

"So this is our moment?" Riley half whispered.

Lucas made a noise of agreement "I promised to you...that my moment would be my moment. This is it...I got you this." He the pulled out what looked like a red ring box.

"MAYA!" Riley screamed.

Lucas opened the box "It's a jellybean." Lucas announced.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" Maya settled back into our hiding place on Riley's reassurance "What does it mean?"

"We put these Jellybeans on a scale...when I was trying to think about all the things that I like about you, and I was trying to decide what I needed to do. It means you Riley." He explained.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Josh "Is this what guys do in their spare time?"

"Shh." Maya urged.

I was really glad I actually shut up because Lucas' next statement was one I really wanted to hear "I choose you and I really want you to choose me."

"I do. I always did." Riley beamed then took the bean box.

Josh stood up and looked at Maya and I "Come on you two, we should leave them now, I feel like we have far overstepped our boundaries already. Let's go clear out our rooms, we'll be leaving soon."

I moved so I was in between my boyfriend and the girl who had become like a sister to me, wrapping my arms around both of them as we went back to our rooms.

A couple of hours later, all the kids were all on the the bus. 

However, Cory, Topanga, Josh and I were not so lucky. We were carrying all of our bags plus those belonging to Riley and Lucas.

"You couldn't get them to pack their own bags?" Cory grumbled.

"Well every time I came down and tried, they looked so adorable, I just couldn't do it." Topanga explained. And she wasn't wrong "I'm really glad we came here this weekend, it was a good time. You can come here any time you want."

I leaned in closer to Josh "I thought they had something against this place."

"I did too...maybe something about this weekend changed their minds." Josh tried to reason.

"Mr Matthews?" Said Evan from the front desk.

"Yes..." Cory said hesitantly.

Evan did a weird half smirk thing before saying "My Mother says hello."

The eyes of both Cory and Topanga widened in realisation and Evan's smirk stayed plastered on his face. If this was about what I thought, I'd heard about this story before.

"I'm never coming here again."  Topanga said as she stormed out.

"NATURE!" Cory said angrily.

Josh turned to me as Cory ran off "On second thought maybe not." Josh shrugged and put his arm around my shoulder as we struggled to the door, loaded with all of the bags.

A/N: Okay, so that is the Ski Lodge episode all done with. If everything goes to plan, there may only be around five or six episodes left to this book. However, knowing me, there will possibly be a few more.

Love you all!

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