Graduation Day

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I looked into the mirror, making the final adjustment to my graduation cap.

All those years of college all led up to this. Graduation day.

Part of me was excited to see what came next...but most of me was absolutely petrified because we were going out into the real world...we would be real adults.

I was waiting for Josh to get back from picking up his Graduation gown from it being altered when there was a loud, sharp knock at the door

I sighed "Josh you have a key, why would you..." I yanked the door open "Oh..."

"Thought you'd be a little more excited to see me." The surprise visitor laughed.

My mouth was still hanging open "Oh. My. God...Lilla!"

"That'd be me!" She joked "Now can I come in or will I just be standing in the corridor for the rest of the year?"

I nodded, still slightly shocked.

I had kept in touch with Lilla and we started off video calling every weekend, but things got crazily busy and we sort of drifted apart.

But now college was over. And we were more in control of everything. Lilla and I could go back to how things once were. At least...I hoped so. And lord knows that both of us would do anything to make it so.

Nearing an hour later the door creaked open.

"Lilla? You were supposed to wait for me to come in and surprise Scar!" Josh gasped as he saw Lilla and I sitting on the couch.

Lils stood up and clasped her hands together, standing herself right in front of Josh "Joshua Gabriel Matthews. Did you expect me to stand outside in that corridor and wait for hours because both of us know that you are always, and I mean always late."

Josh didn't bother retaliating, he just stepped forward, pulling Lilla into a hug "I missed you too Thompson." He smiled.

I sat there, just looking at my two favourite people in the world. Lilla turned her head "Get your ass over here Scar." She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hug.

------HOURS LATER------

I slung my arms over the shoulders of Lilla and Josh, degree certificate in hand.

"WE DID IT!" I yelled, graduation cap falling slightly off my head "WE ARE NOW REAL ADULT PEOPLE!"

Lilla laughed, slightly shaking her head at me, her crazily happy best friend "Yes you are sweetie. Now can you please let go of my arm, you might be actually cutting off my circulation."

I giggled "Oops sorry Lils."

We were in the corridor back to mine and Josh's apartment and as he opened the door and Lilla flipped on the light switch "Movie night?" Lils asked.

"Just like old times?" Josh questioned.

Lilla smiled "Like old times."

A few minutes later the three of us were under a blanket, curled up on our couch, me in the middle, a bowl of popcorn on my lap. "It's weird...what comes next? What does a human do after finishing their education?"

"Well presumably get a job." Lilla deadpanned.

I rolled my eyes "Yes thank you Lils. But what do we do? It feels like we've suddenly got so much freedom all at once and I have no clue what to do with it."

"Aren't you a little poet?" Josh kissed the tip of my nose lightly.

Lilla made a gagging sound "Yeah ew. I don't want to see that. But I can say, no matter what this stinking world throws at us, we will always have each other to help navigate through the inevitable piles or garbage, right?

I laughed "Didn't know you had such a bright outlook on life Lils. But yes. I'll always be there. Josh"

"Movie." Lilla agreed. We were silent for a moment " play..."

"Oh! Oh right!" Josh scrambled around for the remote to press play on the movie that we would all inevitably fall asleep while watching.

Just like old times.

A/N: HEYYYYYYYYYYY! I'm not dead! Also just a few more chapters before this is finished! ALSO I BROUGHT BACK LILLA OMGGGGGGGGGG!

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now