Movie Night

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Later on, Josh and I were sorting through a stack of movies we had, since tonight was supposed to be our designated movie night.

We burst into the main room where everyone else was, and Josh shouted "Movie night!"

Lucas, Maya and Riley were still talking together, so I guessed that they still hadn't talked the triangle down. So when Lucas heard Josh, he looked extremely relieved and repeated "Movie night!" just as loud, if not, louder.

"Coward!" Maya and Riley said simultaneously.

"Alright, we got a bunch to pick from, so  let's see what we got here." I offered the younger teens in front of us, as Josh sorted though the movies.

"I want a spy thriller," Suggested Maya "Two spies in love with lots of danger."

Lucas looked at her "Why does it always gotta be danger with you?" He complained. I know I said Maya was brave, but her bravery often bordered on dangerous.

"Romance!" Shouted Riley, throwing her hand up in the air "I wanna cry my eyes out. Boy meets girl, boy stays with girl, nothing bad happens. The end." She started to tear up. But come on, no movies are like that.

"Okay so, dangerous life with you, and crying my eyes out with you." Lucas evaluated. "That's what we got here? No other choices?"

 Josh and I looked at them in amusement, along with everyone else in the room. "Believe me, the story of your lives is better than whatever we got here." Josh stated, showing the DVD cases. I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, well, if we're actually gonna decide this, then we should imagine what our lives would be like together." Lucas suggested to the two girls.

"Okay." Agreed Maya "Here's ours."

Then she started to tell some crazy tale, which she called 'Huckleberry Bond'. It was about two spies (her and Lucas) who were in love and solving crimes. 

It all started in 'The Purple Cat Club' where they were on a mission to defeat 'The Purple Cat' otherwise known as Riley, before she destroyed the world as we know it. 

Inside the club were strange versions of Farkle, Smackle, Auggie, Zay, Josh and I and a large curtain with signs all over saying not to open it. Smackle's character flirted with Lucas and then the real Smackle complained that she was with Farkle in this too.

And then Maya's character, The Bomb, met Josh and I. We were still together, three years older than her (much to Maya's dismay) and billionaires.

That was when Riley as the purple cat entered, stroking a...well, stroking a purple cat. The Purple Cat started talking to Huckleberry Bond and The Bomb about how they said they were going to save the world. 

The Bomb wandered over to the large curtain and Huckleberry Bond spoke alone with The Purple Cat about what he would do if the world was kinder. Riley started talking to her cat.

Maya pulled back the curtain - against the will of Lucas - to reveal a giant bomb, which then activated. Josh and I sat in the background and said that all they had to do was cut the red wire, but they were too busy arguing to listen to what we were saying.

Riley started talking about how the world as we know it would end and 'her world would begin' and did the least evil laugh ever known to mankind.

The bomb went off, covering the world in rainbows, sparkles, sunshine, cats and everything Riley, ending the story of Huckleberry Bond.

"Maya, we'd rather argue with each other than save the world." Lucas stated, bringing us all back to the real world. 

"Wa wa." Maya 'retaliated', proving his point.

Riley looked up "Well, there's a new world now, my world. And it's fabulous." She said way too dramatically.

"Yeah?" Asked Lucas "Well, what's it look like?"

Lucas' character was fresh out of Texas and new to the big city. He met Riley's quirky and clumsy character and they immediately 'fell in love'. 

They were at a cafe date, happy couples all around each other. They tried to say goodbye while they still loved each other so much, but they couldn't bear being apart. They say that their love made the entire world a better place.

Just as they were just about to kiss, Maya, Josh and I appeared behind them as doctors. We told them that we had the worst possible news. When Riley said that everyone was happy and in love so nothing bad could happen, Maya told them they have 'Gooey Sap disease'  because of all their feelings.They all caught the disease from patient 0. Riley.

Everyone behind us fell down dead because of Gooey Sap disease. 

And then it was the Riley death scene. She was lying in bed, hooked up to a heart monitor and speaking to Lucas about how she was dying. He said there was nobody else in the world, which there wasn't. They all died.

Maya and Josh were arguing about how she was still three years younger than him, so they couldn't go out. When she asked if it would matter if everyone else was dead (and he said not really) she said that when we get back to real life, all she had to do was kill everyone else, Josh exasperatedly agreed.

Lucas stood up and we all said that no matter who he ended up with, it would be the end of the world. Riley said that in her world nothing like that could happen, as she knew true love will always keep us alive. And then she died.

Back in real life, everyone began to clap "" Riley said "None of that is what's going to happen."

"We care about each other too much to let anything like that happen." Maya agreed. 

"I hope so." Lucas said.

They told everyone that they should stop looking for a fight because there wasn't going to be one. Zay said he wanted one and then had the tiniest fight with Farkle, making everyone laugh.

Maya, Riley and Lucas started talking again (big surprise there) about how only nature could decide what was right for the triangle. They said that whatever they chose could only be the right decision if they stayed friend.

"Actually, this brings up an interesting question." Cory said from the doorway, where he stood with Topanga.  "Who is in control of your life."

Everyone was expecting a deep and meaningful point, but as Cory was about to speak his wisdom, Topanga said "I am! Now go to bed." 

 "Lesson over." Cory said, confused.

Everyone went to their rooms, but Yogi tried to follow Darby into her room. Josh grabbed him by the back of his shirt "Yeah, it's a good thing you invited me here."

And then the four of us chaperones went off to our rooms, but as we were going, Josh whispered in my ear "See you tomorrow love."

I melted. "See you tomorrow Josh."

A/N: This one is long, but I guess it makes up for the two previous terrible chapters.

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now