So...You Mean...

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We had always been more...financially stable than others, and it usually made Farkle and I feel uncomfortable at school.

People would always make fun of us for who our parents were, never even looking past their fancy, rich exterior to see who we were as people. Farkle had his amazing friends who always stood up for him. I had Lilla. Don't get me wrong, she was amazing, she was my best friend, but she was too sweet to stand up for anyone.

And then there was Josh.

Josh had the guts to stand up for both Lilla and I. And he continued to do so for me when we started college.

It was hard for me being so far away from Lilla. After all, she had been my best friend for years and now we couldn't see each other every day. It was many things but I think the main one was just plain strange. For both of us.

I had already put my thing in my college room because of the pre-college program and so had my roommate.

My college roommate was called Tiffany. She was nice enough, but she was an extremely peppy cheerleader. Yes. One of those.

She always wore her cheer uniform and there was always a football player in our room with her. Yeah. Each player was almost never with her more than once. That annoyed me, but something I liked about Tiffany, she always made time for those who needed her.

Anyway, I digress.

When dad burst in on my college music class, I was so shocked that I nearly broke the strings of the guitar I was playing. "DAD! What are you doing here?" 

"Scarlett, you're coming with me. I've talked to the office, they know that I'm bringing you with me. We need to go and get Farkle, I'll explain what is going on when both of you are with me." He said, rushed.

I didn't even question him. I just put my guitar back down on the little holder thingy and followed my dad out the door.

We checked in at the desk of John Quincy Adams and then went to find where Mr Matthews was teaching Farkle and his friends. No matter how many times he had told me to call him Cory, since I wasn't his student anymore, it still felt weird.

My dad knocked on the door and promptly went through, dragging me behind him. "Stuart, Scarlett, I was just teaching the class about how a person isn't measured by the amount of their shiny things."

My dad looked around nervously before collecting himself and saying "Well...that's a good thing, because we just lost all of our shiny things."

My mouth dropped open in shock. "What...what do you mean?" I asked. Mom and dad had always been so careful with our money.

"I made an investment in some new technology, I guess that it was too advanced for them and we...we lost everything. I'm so sorry." Dad said. He looked so embarrassed. I guess he always judged his success by the amount of money he had.

Farkle invited his friends around to our house to see everything we were going to lose.

All of his friends were gathered in his room, using all of his things. I however decided to stay in my room, laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I looked up at the doorway to see Farkle, Riley, Maya and Lucas standing there.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were all in Farkle's room." I asked.

"We just thought we should...check up on you." Said Riley "You are a part of this too, and you could do with some friends since Lilla moved away." She smiled.

"Thank you guys. But Farkle needs you more than I do. Go and have fun." I suggested.

Maya pointed to the sparkly silver guitar on the wall opposite my bed. "That guitar looks familiar. Where did you get it?"

"'s a replica of the guitar Taylor Swift played on her Fearless Tour..." I mumbled "It's pretty isn't it?" Riley and Maya nodded. "I just wish that we could do something about everyone who is less fortunate than we are."

"We should." Agreed Lucas.

So over the next few days, dad got in touch with one of his old friends, Mark Cuban. Yes, that Mark Cuban, who owns the NBA Dallas Mavericks. 

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked.

"We are doing something we should have done a long time ago." He said "We are starting the Minkus Family Foundation. And we want you all to help."

"How can we help?" Maya questioned.

"We want you to decide who to give the money to." Said Topanga, appearing into my view with Cory by her side.

And so we did. It felt good to help. All of my life, we had had so much and I wanted everyone to know that they had enough money to live comfortably.

The next time we were all in Farkle's room, for some odd reason, he had had a replica of Maya's room made.

We were all looking out the 'window' where there was a live streamed video of the people who regularly walked past Maya's window. "Hi Mrs Abruzo...Nice coat." Farkle smiled over at Maya.

They were all happy.

A/N: Okay so this chapter is super lame and I really don't know how it happened. The picture at the top is Scarlett's bed. I'll try to make the next chapter's going to be...the Ski Lodge...

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now