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"Scarlett...Scarlett..." I heard someone call from down the hall "Scarlett, get your ass here and help me carry this damn dress."

It was of course, my maid of honour. One Miss Lilla Thompson. 

I quickly jumped to my feet and scurried down the hall to Lilla, who was laden with boxes, bags and one of those hanging garment bags containing my wedding dress.

"God Scar. I know you said you loved this dress and couldn't have chosen a less awkward one to carry could you?" Lilla complained.

I shook my head, smiling lightly "Of course not Lils, anything to make your life more difficult."

Lilla scoffed and rolled her eyes but also smiled slightly, shaking her head "My best friend is getting married. My best friend is getting married today."

After five minutes of wrestling the dress made of about ten tonnes of fabric, I was looking into the floor length mirror at myself. And I was wearing a wedding dress. My wedding dress.

"Knock knock." A voice said from the other side of the door, tapping lightly.

"Come on in." I called, taking a step off of the little raised platform in front of the mirror.

It was my mum. "Oh sweetie you look beautiful." She raised a hand up to my cheek and let out a little laugh/sob sounding noise "My baby girl is getting married."

"She is momma." I chuckled "You should probably go and take your seat now, we should be...starting any minute. God I'm so nervous."

"Don't be." Said a voice from the doorway. "He loves you, you love him, what could go wrong."

 "Thank you dad." I said as he held out his arm for me to take hold of.

He smiled over at me and then my mum, eyes slightly glazed over. "Come on Jen, lets get you to your seat." He squeezed my hand "And you Scar...lets go get you married."


Everyone was seated how we had arranged, with mine and Josh's parents and siblings in the front row.

This...this was really happening. I felt sick to my stomach.

But it wasn't a bad sick feeling. It was like when you are about to go on a roller coaster or do something amazing. Like when something scares you, but you can't wait to do it because you know something incredible is going to happen.

My dad looked my way and smiled at me before whispering "I finally get to give you away, to a man I know deserves you, a man who makes you feel safe, makes you feel better."

We reached the small step up to the little platform, "Thank you dad." I whispered.

The organ music slowed to a stop and a quick hush settled over the hall. 

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join Scarlett Minkus and Josh Matthews in matrimony." I always thought that the things officiators said during weddings were...I don't know but they always made me laugh. "I heard that the couple have written their own vows, so, who would like to begin?"

I gestured, smiling, at Josh "Scarlett. From the day you stumbled into my life I knew I liked you, it just took me a while to realise how much. That night out in the rain, when we finally stopped being scared, and made the jump for what we're more than I ever could have asked for. My best friend, my partner and now, my family. I love you Scar."

"Josh, you have already helped me through so much of my crazy. And I'm glad that you decided to stick around." I took a deep breath and continued my vows "It took me a while to discover how much I loved you, but I'm glad I did. I will love you forever Josh, because I know that, in my heart, you will forever be my always."

The officiator smiled "Do you, Josh, take Scarlett to be your wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Scarlett, take Josh to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Well then, I am proud to announce you, husband and wife." The officiator said "You may kiss the bride."

Josh raised his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, before pressing his lips to mine.

When we pulled away, he whispered "To our first kiss as a married couple."

"And to the rest of our lives."

A/N: I am so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time. I have been so busy with school stuff (I have so many projects due for when school starts in September but I think I am almost done with all of them!) 

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now