Christmas 2026

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"Josh! Come on! Your brother said to be at his by noon and it's already half past! We are already half an hour late and we haven't even left the house!" Cory and Topanga always offered to host the entire family for Christmas...and this was the first year with our new addition...

November 8th 2026, my little girl was born. Avery Blair Matthews.

"J I've already got Avery into her little coat and boots...J?" After no reply from Josh, I went upstairs to our room, where Josh was sitting, just putting the final bow on a gift wrapped box. "Josh, I thought we already loaded all of the presents in the car..."

Josh brushed his hands off on his trousers and stood up "That is because this one is a surprise for you. But, I think you should wait until we get to Cory's house for you to open it." 

"...Josh...what have you done..."

Josh chuckled and shook his head "You will just have to wait and see my love." He then picked Avery up from out of my arms and she gave him a tiny smile "And you, little trouble, lets get you into the car"

I always loved how he was with Avery. He was completely enamoured by her and she had so much love for him.

One car journey later we arrived at Cory and Topanga's apartment.

...lets be honest we were in fact...the last people there...

But as soon as we opened the door...

Everyone was there. Everyone was happy.

Riley, Maya, Cory, Topanga, Auggie and Ava, Farkle, Smackle, Lucas, Zay, Shawn and Katy, Alan and Amy, Morgan, Eric, my parents...

This was probably the most people that had ever been at a Christmas gathering.

Once everything had quietened down a little, I went to greet Riley "Hey...Riles, why are there so many people here?"

The brunette girl smiled widely "Everyone wanted to meet Avery, and plus, we all miss each other! This is so amazing, it feels like some of us haven't been together in such a long time."

"Yeah...I missed you Riles." I said sincerely.

Riley beamed right back at me before we heard Josh's voice from the other side of the room "Okay Matthews family, honorary Matthews family, I have a surprise for everyone." 

He then brought out the wrapped box he told me about just before we left home.

Josh looked at Cory with a massive grin on his face "...why do I think that this is not going to go very well for me..."

Josh chuckled and put his hand on his older brother's shoulder "That would be where you are correct my dear brother."

Josh kept his eyes on his brother, keeping his grin on his face all the time he was opening the large box and pulled out... " that a Christmas jumper with my face on it?" Cory asked, shocked.

"No Cory, it is...a lot of Christmas jumpers with your face on." Josh laughed "Look, there's one for everyone, even a tiny one for Avery to wear."

Everyone was laughing, but one more than the others "Hahahaha! Little brillo head Cory!" Eric was almost doubled over with laughter. 

"Yes yes very funny." Cory sighed as Josh threw a jumper to everyone. As his jumper hit him in the head he sighed again "I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?"

Avery gave a tiny little smile, one of the first we had seen from her. Cory looked at her and said "Look, even Avery is laughing...this had better not become a tradition."

"Oh Cory, I think you know that it already is." I laughed as we all settled back down to play one last game of charades.


Quite a few hours later, Christmas night was drawing to a close. 

Avery had fallen asleep a little while ago. But to be had Cory...

A few people had already gone home. So the only people left were Maya, Riley, Cory, Topanga, Auggie, Josh, Avery and I.

Riley was sitting next to me, smiling softly at Avery, who was still sleeping soundly laying on my chest. She reached out to lightly touch the baby's hand "She's so perfect...I'm so excited for being ready to have my own little baby." She whispered.

"Well Riles, they may be cute, but they are a handful." Josh knelt quietly next to the sofa, holding out Avery's tiny coat "Come on Scar, lets get this little one to bed."

I sat up slightly, shifting Avery to put her tiny arms into the coat without waking her up. 

Topanga stood up, bringing a little tupperware box with her. "Thank you for the night Panga, it was amazing...I would thank Cory too know..."

Both of us looked over to Topanga's husband asleep in his chair, snoring in his own...Cory way. "I get it." She laughed as she handed me the tupperware "By the way, I put a few of those little chocolate desserts Josh loved in here."

"Thank you Topanga." I hugged the brunette woman, before gently giving Avery to Josh and going over to the sofa to say goodbye to Maya, Riley and Auggie.

The three of them all stood up and pulled me into a hug "Night Scarlett." Maya said quietly " you think you're free next weekend, my art is being displayed in a gallery for the first time, and it would mean a lot to me  if you were there."

"Of course I'll be there M, I wouldn't miss it for the world." 

Maya smiled, one of the brightest smiles I had ever seen "Thank you Scarlett. Bye Uncle Boing." She chuckled at her old nickname for Josh and so did I. 

I walked back to Josh's side as we made our way to the door. 

We stepped out of the apartment where we had all made so many memories. Just as the door was about to close, I whispered "Goodnight Matthews family, honorary Matthews."


We walked to the car in the dark, the streetlights making small patches of light by our feet. 

A short drive later we were home, and after tucking Avery into her cot, Josh and I stood next to it, just looking down at our baby girl.

"I can't believe she's ours. I can't believe I married you. I'm the luckiest man alive." Josh whispered, shaking his head and smiling lightly.

"J, do you remember what I said on the day of our wedding?" 

Josh looked up, his eyes meeting mine "Of course I do, because I know that in my heart, you will forever be my always."




                                          ★·.·'¯'·.·★The End ★·.·'¯'·.·★

A/N : Thank you all so much for reading, I've been working on this story for such a long time, and I hope I gave it the ending it deserved

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now