Seasons Change

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Since Riley was injured, she couldn't come on our first hike.

It was a disaster. My brother wandered off the trail because he wanted to capture a rare butterfly because Smackle had it and he didn't. Maya followed him, breaking the ONLY rule we had 'stay on the trail'! But it was a good thing she did.

She saved Farkle's life. While he was chasing the moth/butterfly, he slipped off of the edge of the trail, causing him to be hanging off of a tree branch. And then Maya ran after him, saving Farkle's life.

While this was happening, Smackle was acting pathetic so that Lucas would pay attention to her and 'save her'.

And I...I was worried as hell. He was my brother for god's sake and if anything happened to him, I would never forgive myself.

So when Maya came back with an unharmed Farkle I swore that I would always be in debt to her. And despite her saying that it didn't matter as she 'enjoyed breaking the rules' I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

This girl was so strong, maybe it was because of her difficult background, but she...she is the bravest and strongest person I had ever met. Both physically and emotionally.

Anyway, when we got back to the lodge, everyone split into their cliques. Josh and I had to immediately separate 'Yoby' as they were...trying to...yeah.

I guess Maya, Riley and Lucas were still trying to sort out their triangle because when I came down from talking to Darby, I heard Lucas say "You're such a romantic." I could only presume that he was talking to Riley, because he sure as hell wasn't talking about Maya.

"I am, I love romance." Riley smiled "This triangle has to die right now." She added, her sudden change shocking me.

I decided to stay in a nearby chair, because, as weird as this was, I wanted to know where it was going. "How, we've tried before." Lucas shrugged, accompanied by Maya.

"I know, but this time there's something stronger, seasons change, it's nature, and nature knows that it's time for the triangle to die." There was something so wise behind Riley's words, leaving me to wonder if she knew something important was going to happen.

A/N: I am sorry, this is short and terrible, but I am just trying to get as much done with an accurate storyline as possible before my anxiety skyrockets during exam week.

Love you all!

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