Game Night

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One night I was on the phone with my best friend Lilla when a text popped up from my brother "Oh god! Lilla I need to go! I have some game night with Farkle and his friends! I'm sorry, bye!" So I put on a pair of black ripped jeans and a black and white horizontally striped sweater and ran to the address Farkle had texted me.

"Sorry I'm late!" I said coming through the door. And then I realised nobody but Farkle knew who I was and they were all staring at me.

"Who are you, I don't know who you are!" Said an older man who was standing in the middle of the living room.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Farkle's older sister, Scarlett." They continued to stare "What?"

"You. You are related to Stuart Minkus?" Said the older woman "You mean to say that Stuart Minkus reproduced more than once?"

"So...what are we doing now?" I asked.

"We are playing 'the family game' now with added friends." Explained the boy sitting next to Farkle (who I presumed was Lucas, the Texas guy). Farkle's other friends were the brunette and blonde girls Riley and Maya. He never stopped talking about them.

"Well, I am Riley's mom, Topanga and that is my husband Cory." She pointed at the man and then to a boy who looked about my age "Cory's younger brother Josh. He's the game maker, you can join him since we've already paired up and started playing."

"Thank you Topanga." I said and walked over to Josh, "Hey, I'm Scarlett. Have we met before? You look familiar..."

"Yeah, I have a feeling I'm in your English class. Wow...we've been in the same class all year and I barely know you at all..." He confessed "Well, we can start now, Josh Matthews, nice to meet you." He held out his hand.

I shook it "Scarlett Minkus." I smiled.

The game continued, and Josh's niece, Riley, ended up choosing her friends over her parents, making them go of on one for a while. Then they continued to play, but with different teams: Maya and Riley, Cory and Topanga, Farkle and Lucas, then Josh's nephew Auggie and Auggie's girlfriend Ava.

At one point Riley could have won, but instead she chose to play, the never-before-played, long game. Surprise surprise, it was long.

It went on all night. Josh and I were still commenting on the events, but got bored of standing, so we sat on the only free seat, a beanbag. Josh sat first and then moved his legs so that I could sit in between them and lean back on his chest.

So I did and we watched the game unfurl.

"We have been playing all through the night..." I started to commentate as Josh and I both stood from our place on the beanbag.

"And as the sun peeks it's face over the horizon..." Josh continued. Maya smiled up at Josh. She loved him, I could tell. "If Auggie Matthews can roll a two, we will finally see what happens when you win the long game.

Topanga then complained about nobody being able to roll a two. Then "We pick two." Said Ava.

"I finally like you Ava." Said Topanga. They then moved the piece to the end of the board and a small piece lifted up. It was glowing and making some sort of noise.

"This is it..." I breathed.

 "This is what happens when you win the long game." Josh finished as he looked down at me, since I, unlike my mother, was very short.

"It's not just that." Said Cory "The long game is life. In the end of the Long game, friends become family." He smiled at the collection of people in the living room.

We were all silent for a moment before I stood up and made my way over to my brother "Come on Farkle, let's get home." I said "We wouldn't want mom and dad getting worried about us now would we?"

Josh walked us to the door and out to may car. "See you at school then Scarlett Minkus."

"See you at school Josh." I said as I started the engine to drive drive back home and Josh waved Farkle and I off.

A/N: I know that Josh goes to a high school In Philadelphia but for this I can add a little bit more about their relationship if we pretend that he went to A.A in New York with Scarlett so this is going to be an AU with Josh going to high school in New York. 

Love you all!

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