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Ever since he started school, we could tell that Farkle was a genius. Maybe he was even smarter than our dad.

But it wasn't until the tests at John Quincy Adams (the ones that tested what career you were likely to succeed in) when we found out just how smart.

He came home with his results, which said that his intelligence levels showed that he would be best for a career in ruling the world...yeah...I...wait why was that an option? Anyway, Farkle always wanted to rule the world but his high marks meant that he had to have some more tests carried out. 

They might want him to move to another school. A special 'genius school' like Einstein Academy. He would never want to leave his friends, I knew that much.

That same evening, our parents decided to throw Farkle a 'Genius Party' to celebrate his IQ. "We are proud to welcome our son Farkle Minkus into the Genius Club." Said our Dad "When our daughter came out with average results, we hoped that our next child would be a genius, and of course, he is." He smiled.

"Thanks dad." I said sarcastically, glancing over at my mom, who was giving dad a death glare. No I wasn't a genius, but I wasn't stupid.

A day or so later, we had all gathered at the Matthews' house. By all, I mean me, my mom and dad, Riley, Maya, Lucas, Cory, Topanga, Auggie and of course, Farkle. 

He announced to everyone that the school was running tests on him to see if he has Aspergers syndrome. 

When our parents said that the only thing Farkle wanted was for his friends to be here and part of the discussion, Cory said "And that's the kind of loyalty to his friends I see in Farkle every day at school in the classroom."

Although I knew he was perfectly capable of looking after himself, I was worried about my brother, I felt as if as his older sister, I had the duty to protect him.

Again, a couple of days later, I was called to the Matthews' place, where I then met up with Riley, Maya, Lucas and Farkle. "Why are we all here? Well you are always here, so the better question would be why am I here?"

"We...we're researching Aspergers to see if Farkle has any of the symptoms and we thought that you should be here, since you are his sister." Said Maya.

So we sat at the bay window and Lucas used his laptop to research some of the symptoms of Asperger's. As much as he may hate to admit it, he did have most of them: social awkwardness, narrowed interests, discomfort with physical touch or receiving affection, and difficulty understanding emotion or love. 

Riley and Maya's protested, but Farkle was convinced he had all of these symptoms and then asked "Promise me one thing...never let me not understand love."

"I promise Farkle." Smiled Riley.

The next day, when Farkle came home from his day at school and a meeting at Topanga's bakery with his friends, he told me that he was thinking about transferring to Einstein Academy "But Farkle, what about your friends?"

"That's the thing...but I...already took a tour..." He replied.

"With who? What happened?" I asked my younger brother, wanting more information about what he would do.

"Her name is Isadora Smackle, Riley thinks she loves me...but we've been enemies for so long. But she was nice to me, she accepted me for who I am." He smiled.

The next day after school, Farkle explained his whole day to me and our parents in pretty much one breath "Smackle came to my School today to 'observe me in my' habitat. But Just as class was about to begin, Ms. Oben asked to see me in her office. I do not have Asperger's, but they don't know what to think of me, which I like. My friends are happy for me, but Smackle for some reason was upset. Then she left saying I belonged at John Quincy Adams. I guess Mr Matthews was right about atoms being as unique as people."

"Okay..." I said "I didn't understand most of that, but I think I got the important parts."

"Oh, and Mr and Mrs Matthews invited us to dinner with them at their house tonight." Farkle added as our parents looked confused. They weren't...close as kids.

During dinner (Farkle and his friends had gone to Riley's room) my mom said "You know, my self-assertive behavior was becauseof the fact that I  was always comfortable with myself, and I didn't care what anyone thought about me."

"I think that's a pretty good way of going through life Monster...Jennifer." Cory stuttered the last part. Oh yes, the old high school nickname.

Then dad chipped in "Even if Farkle had been diagnosed with something, it wouldn't have made any difference in the way we all love him. Thank you for being there for Farkle...and for us and our family."

I went upstairs to get Farkle when my mom announced that we would be leaving soon. "Come on Farkle, mom and dad say it's time go home." Farkle stood up and followed me out the door. He was halfway to the kitchen when I went back to Riley's room, where the rest of Farkle's friends were "Thank you for watching out for Farkle when I can't." I said before going back down to where our parents were.

"Ready to go Scar?" Asked dad.

I nodded, and once we were nearly out the door, I heard Cory speaking to Topanga "You know what? I'm not afraid of her any more."

"Mom." I said, turning to her "You're such a badass." I smiled.

"SCARLETT!" Screamed dad.

"What? It's true though isn't it!" I confessed. My dad grumbled at me from where he was walking up front with Farkle.

When she was sure the boys couldn't hear us, she whispered "I am pretty badass aren't I?"

"You are mom. You are."

A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry this update took me so damn long because I am super busy with online schooling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You???

Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now