One morning when the post came, I was sorting through the letters when I saw a letter from NYU. It was THE letter. The one that held my future and would tell me whether I got into NYU, my dream school.
Knowing that I had my letter meant that Josh had his and I didn't want to open my letter without my best friend. So I called him as soon as I could.
"Hey Joshie, did you get your letter from NYU?" I asked as soon as he picked up, not even giving him the chance to say hello.
"Yeah, I haven't opened it though." He started "I want to open it with my family. So I'm on my way to Cory and Panga's. Did you get in?"
"No, I didn't want to open it without you." I said "Can I meet you at Cory and Topanga's?"
"Sure, I'm almost there so I'll probably get there before you. Just knock, say your name and then go in." He advised before we hung up.
I knocked on the door of the Matthews' apartment and called my name before going through the door and saw Maya on Josh's back, screaming "Where will you be?"
Josh started moving around trying to shake Maya off of his back as he said "Get off of me you little ferret." They continued to struggle and when I locked eyes with Topanga, she just looked at me as if she had no clue what was going on either.
"Dear applicant Boing." Maya 'read' ignoring Josh's protests "This year we are only accepting married applicants, so we regret to inform you that..."
My smile faded, along with Josh's. "Regret to inform me..." He sighed.
"We regret to inform you that you will be spending the next four years in New York with Maya!" She screamed, pretty much strangling him.
Then it was my turn to slightly lose my mind. Maya got off of Josh to go and speak with Riley. I then practically ran at Josh and quite literally threw myself onto him and he pulled me closer to his body.
"What about you?" Josh asked as he took my NYU letter out of my hands and held it above his head "Why haven't you opened yours yet?"
"I already told you, I wanted to be with you when I opened it." So he gave me the letter back and I opened it, reading it carefully before "Joshie...I got in..."
He hugged me tightly and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. We were both so ecstatic.
Josh asked if I was going to the college party his friend had invited us to. I said that I wasn't going to go, when Maya and Riley asked where it was.
After Josh had left, Maya pointed at Riley and said "Bay window, bay window right now..." Then I was dragged to a window in what must have been Riley's bedroom.
"Scarlett...will you drive us to the party?" Said Maya, and when I asked why, she said "I don't want to lose him..."
I agreed to drive them, even though I didn't really know why. Anyway, once I had agreed to take them to the party I made my way back home.
I waited in my car outside Riley's place for the girls and when they arrived in my backseat, we drove to the place the party was being held. We entered and Riley got swept away by a group of girls and ended up joining a sorority.
While this was happening, Maya and I stood outside a room, watching Josh talk to a group of girls. "Can we make a deal?" Asked Maya "If either of us get a chance with Josh...the other won't get jealous or...try to stop it by getting in the way."
"That seems fair Maya...since we both like of us should get a chance with him." I agreed.
When Riley returned from her 'sorority initiation', she pushed Maya into the room where Josh and the others were. This was apparently because the girls from her sorority are 'loyal to their sisters' and 'push their sisters into a bold choice.'
After a while, both of them came out of the room, followed by Riley who had gone in to see what was going on.
"Scarlett!" Josh gasped when he saw me "You were in on this?"
"Yes, but I'll explain later. Let's get these two girls back home first."
I drove Josh and the girls back to Riley's house. Josh walked them up to Cory and Topanga while I waited outside in my car.
After a little while, I saw the light in the bay window turn off. And a couple of minutes later, Josh came back out. He looked angry. And to add to this fact (and as if it was on cue) it was pouring with rain. Damn you pathetic fallacy.
Josh opened my car door and pulled my arm so I was standing next to him. "So...explain! Why did you agree to drive them? They're still kids! It was a college party, we could have been arrested Scarlett!" He yelled.
I was on the verge of tears, I'd never had a fight with one of my friends before and I was shocked that my first fight was with Josh. "Maybe I said that I would bring them both to the party as an excuse to see you! Because maybe when it comes to you I feel the same way about you as Maya does!" I yelled.
"What?" he stared in shock "What do you mean?"
I took a breath "I came because I was afraid of losing you, because I like more than a friend. Is that a good enough reason for you?"
He took one more step closer to me. Josh was now so close to me that our bodies were almost touching. "Do you know why I was outside your door that night? I took your umbrella so you would come back out, so I could ask you on a date, but when you did come out, I couldn't bring myself to do it."
"Josh...I didn't..."
"So, Scar...what I'm trying to say is...I like you as more than a friend too." His hands were on my waist and my arms made their way around his neck.
After a little while of just looking into each others eyes, our lips met in a soft yet somehow still passionate kiss.
We separated after a few moments and Josh ran his fingers through my soaking wet (from the rain) hair "So how about that date?" He asked.
"I'd love to Matthews."
A/N: This one is super adorably cute because now they both know their feelings about the other person and they agreed to go on a date together!!!
Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh Matthews
RomanceScarlett Minkus is the older sister of Farkle Minkus and best friend of Lilla Thompson. But what happens when she meets someone by chance...that someone, Josh Matthews...