What Are We?

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For some reason my brother was in Texas. Something about his friend Lucas failing at Sheep riding and now Riley and Maya signed him up to ride a bull named Tombstone...I don't know.

Anyways, when I got a text from Josh asking if he could pick me up outside my house in ten minutes, I got a little concerned.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going out with Josh!" I yelled, changing from my old hoodie into something slightly more presentable. "Please don't call me every ten minutes to see if I'm okay, I've told you, Josh is not a murderer or anything like that, you can trust him!"

My dad  shouted back "Okay, but I can't promise not to text. I don't care if he isn't a murderer, no guy or girl will ever be good enough for my Little Scar-Scar."

"Dad, please stop with that nickname!" I huffed "I'm not five anymore."

"No promises!" He replied, just before I shut the door behind me to see Josh standing outside, leaning on the wall, grinning.

"So...how's my little Scar-Scar?" He mocked me playfully.

"Come on Joshie, don't call me that." I pleaded "It's a nickname my dad called me when I was little, and I really want him to let it go, but he won't." I sighed.

"Well I think it's cute." Josh said, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Come on, we're going to Central Park."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the door.

Once in Central Park, someone who I guessed was one of Josh's friends, handed him a picnic basket for the two of us. "So, do you have any allergies that I should have asked about before I made this?" He joked.

"Nope, I am boring and have no allergies." I smiled and Josh looked relieved.

He took a gingham print blanket out, laid it down on the grassy ground and gestured for me to sit down beside him.

He had really pulled out all the stops. Josh had made sandwiches and pastas, cookies and cupcakes as well as salads. Fruit and regular.

"Josh, this is incredible." I breathed. "How...how did you make all this?"

"Well, let's just say that I spent hours on the internet trying to learn how to bake and nearly cut off all my fingers." I started to laugh "I'm not joking." He deadpanned as he held up his fingers that were covered in band-aids.

We had finished eating and I had laid my head down on Josh's lap as he ran his hands through the strands of my hair.

"What are we?" I asked suddenly, sitting up.

"What do you mean, Scar?" He replied, brows adorably furrowed.

"I mean that, yeah we go out on dates, but are we going to have labels? Am I your girlfriend? Are you my boyfriend? Are we..." He stopped me by kissing me sweetly "Well, I guess that's one way to shut me up..."

"I...I want you to be my girlfriend, if you'll have me..." He said.

"Of course I will Josh."

"So...should I walk you home then girlfriend?" He asked with such a cute and shy smile on his face, I couldn't not kiss him again.

We stopped outside the door of my house and I said "Thank you for today Joshie." I smiled "Now you should probably leave before my dad kills you." He looked at me, his eyes wide with shock.

"Kills me?"

"I'm joking Josh. He won't kill you. He's just...how do I put this...extremely overprotective of his little Scar-Scar." I laughed. "See you later Josh."

I opened the door and blew Josh a kiss goodbye and he pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket like the goofball he was.

A couple of days later, Farkle came back from his time in Texas. He was wearing a giant cowboy hat, which kind of smelled like...was that BBQ sauce? Oh never mind "Hey! Farkle! How was your weekend? I have a boyfriend now. What did you do?"

"Wait...did you say that you had a boyfriend? Josh finally got round to asking you, huh?" He asked and I nodded. "So, in Texas, Lucas had to ride Tombstone - a really dangerous bull - in order for him to avenge when he fell off of Judy the Sheep as a little boy. He became the master of Tombstone but Maya said she wouldn't speak to him again if he got on the bull. This is because she likes him." My mouth hung open "And then, we went to a Texas BBQ and music place and we saw a couple of girls called Maddie and Tae performing."

"You saw Maddie and Tae? I love them!" I squealed.

"Yes, but after, Riley said that her and Lucas were just like siblings since she knew Maya liked him and she didn't want to be in the way of them. Oh and I ate like a who cow's worth of BBQ ribs." Farkle confessed.

"Woah." I gasped "That sounds crazy..." As soon as Farkle turned away I added "If only I could understand what you were saying most of the time."

A/N: So Okay. I wrote this and i'm not sure what to think about it. Fun fact, Maddie and tae are one of my favourite bands and I discovered them through the Girl Meets World Texas Episode. Probably none of you knew that wanted to know this, but i told you anyway. You are so welcome.

Love you all!

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