"We've had it behind the counter for years." Evan explained "I am going to read you some questions from this book. It's called the official guide to who belongs with who." He held up the book so we could see.
Riley seemed to think it was going to be that easy "The book's gonna tell us?"
"No, I remember that book." Mr Matthews had entered the room and was standing behind the group of chairs "That book is evil. the first question is 'if you could change your mate into one animal, what would it be?' and the only answer is 'the falcon'." He ranted.
"How do you know that?" Maya asked.
Mr Matthews...Cory looked around for a second before saying "Because I am the falcon!" He exclaimed and held his hands out in a 'falcon' pose.
"Josh, what is wrong with your brother?" I whispered in his ear.
Josh leaned back towards me, his tone about the same volume as my previous 'statement' "Absolutely no idea, he's always been like this."
"Of course you are." Riley said, quite possibly humouring her father.
By the look on her face and by the tone of her next sentence, Maya had clearly had enough of waiting around.
"Lets find out who belongs with who." Riley said eagerly.
"Don't do it, nobody do it." Cory said. None of us really took much notice of him so Josh, Maya, Riley, Lucas, Evan and I all sat down. "No one ever listens to the falcon." He added as Zay, Farkle and Smackle arrived excitedly "You all deserve what you get."
Evan held the book in front of him "Question number one." He announced.
"If you could change your mate into any one animal..." Riley said expectantly.
Evan then shook his head "It's not even the same question." Everybody looked up in surprise, what was going on? Was it even the same book?
"Why not?" Maya asked.
"Because this is who belongs with who, the next generation. This question is for you guys." Evan announced grandly. Riley made a little noise of excitement "The most important part of any meaningful relationship is A, romance..." He started
Riley smiled "Yes, romance. isn't that the whole point of a relationship?"
"It says any relationship, it doesn't just mean you guys and Lucas." I pointed out.
Josh then took it upon himself to finish my statement in a way "Yeah, it also means relationships with your friends."
"So if the answer isn't romance then what else you got?" Riley questioned.
Evan looked back at his book "B, Adventure."
"Yes, adventure, break the rules." Maya said. I get her love for adventure, but in my mind, her view of adventure was a little off.
And Lucas explained what I was thinking, but...you know...out loud "You don't have to break the rules to have an adventure." Lucas said, directing the statement towards Maya.
"What do you have against breaking the rules Ranger Rick?" Maya grilled.
Then one of the quieter friends on the side spoke, I seem to remember his name as Zay "It's who he used to be Maya, cost him a year of his life, I think maybe he's learned something."
What? Did Lucas used to be a trouble maker?
"Read the other choice." Farkle sidestepped away from the seemingly sensitive topic.
"How do you know there is one?" Evan asked.
Smackle started explaining "In multiple choice, there are always the answers that are close, but then there's the correct answer and as soon as you hear it, you know it's right."
"And i don't think we've heard the correct answer yet so I know that the most meaningful part of any relationship is C." Farkle continued.
"One for us next question." Smackle smiled brightly.
Lucas laid back in his seat, beside Josh and I, looking uncomfortable "Can we please hear what C is?"
"C, conversation."
Smackle made a ding noise as she stood up. Farkle also got up to hug her "Even better, i love these now."
"How come?" Maya said. She seemed confused.
"Because Smackle and I have had so many good conversations now that I think she trusts me." My brother explained
"I do." Smackle agreed.
Farkle smiled warmly down at his...girlfriend? "I like these too." Both of them sat back down and Zay went to hug them both, which was rejected.
"So the most meaningful part of a relationship is talking to each other?" Riley confirmed.
Evan nodded "And with the right person, sometimes you can talk all night."
My mouth dropped slightly and I looked around. Everyone else's eyes were wide and they looked shocked as the realisation of the statement set in.
"Yup, maybe so." Lucas said, was he trying to deny something? Possibly. "Well if y'all will excuse me, I'm gonna go over there and maybe, I don't know, kick a tree." Lucas continued as he stood up from his chair.
Zay then stood up and cleared his throat "Will y'all excuse me I'm gonna go over there and maybe, I don't know, save a tree." He followed Lucas away from the seat.
"Question number two, how do you know if you love somebody?" Evan continued asking the questions.
Everyone was silent for a moment or so. Maya then rapidly stood up and said "You know what, I'm through playing games, I wanna talk to you."
"Who?" Everyone asked
"You." Maya said, grabbing Josh's hand and then grabbed my hand "And you."
A/N: I really don't know how to do the next scene but I will try my best for anyone that is still watching. It may be today, or possibly tomorrow but it will come out.
Love you all!

You Will Forever Be My Always: Josh Matthews
RomanceScarlett Minkus is the older sister of Farkle Minkus and best friend of Lilla Thompson. But what happens when she meets someone by chance...that someone, Josh Matthews...