The First Date

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"Hey, Farkle!" I shouted "You seen my phone?" I was in that slightly frantic pre-date phase and my family was not helping.

Farkle then appeared in my doorway "Yes, I'm going to help my sister with her date, which happens to be with one of my best friend's uncle." He said sarcastically. Even though he was younger, he had always been protective of me.

"Come on!" I said, aggravated "None of you ever help me!" So I threw my purse at him "Wait! I need that! Throw it back?"

Then he threw my purse, but since he was Farkle, it didn't go far.

A few moments later there was another knock on my door. "Go away Farkle." I groaned, opening the door "Oh hey mom."

"Scarlett, sweetie, you look absolutely gorgeous." My mom said as she sat on my bed to be at the same height as me. You probably don't know this (because I haven't told you) but my mom is very tall and I am relatively short.

"Thank you momma." I said, then checked my phone. "Oh sh...ugar..." My mom glared at me "I'd best get going."

"Okay sweetie...have fun...but not too much fun..."

"Mom!" I groaned and laughed as I waved goodbye to her.

We met at the bakery we went to with Sophie on our NYU tour. It used to be Svorski's but when Mrs Svorski passed away, she handed it over to Topanga and insisted that she changed the name so we went to Topanga's bakery.

I was honestly expecting Josh to be late, or at least arrive slightly after me, but when I entered the bakery he was sitting at a table with two milkshakes.

He waved me down and pulled out my chair so I could sit. Such a chivalrous and unnecessary action...but it was absolutely adorable and the smile on his face made it even more so.

"I thought you said you were never late!" He teased before his tone changed to a sadder one "For a minute there I thought you weren't going to show..." He looked down at his hands and sighed.

"First of all," I said, bringing his gaze back up to me "I said that I didn't like being late, not that I was never late. And why wouldn't I come, I said I would didn't I?"

He smiled again "You did, you did..." He laughed, putting his hands up in surrender, I've just never had a successful date before

"Really?" I asked in shock "The famous Joshua Matthews, who almost every single girl in the locker room swoon over by the way, has not once had a successful date?" I laughed, teasing him.

Josh then started to laugh along with me "Okay, first time she threw up on my shoes after we went on a roller coaster. Second she missed the bus and didn't show up at all, again not my fault. Third, I made a picnic and didn't realise the girl was vegetarian, sort of my fault. Fourth, she was my longest relationship and she turned out to be bisexual and in love with her best friend." He explained "About those girls...was one of those swooning over me a girl called Scarlett Minkus? You might know her."

I blushed "Oh definitely, I heard that she was one of the worst."

His face made some sort of expression that I couldn't really decode. Now I'd done it, I'd told him too much and scared him off. "Good to know." He said.

Good to know? What did that mean?

We continued to talk and laugh together over glasses of milkshake and some cheesecake. And then he leaned forwards to kiss me...

And I froze.

I know I had kissed him before, but that was in the heat of the moment and I was super nervous. And for some reason it felt wrong.

So I just ran.

I ran right out of the bakery, Josh stood up to follow me but I was a surprisingly fast runner and I made it out and around a corner before he could catch up to me.

And I just kept running until I got to where I wanted to be.

A/N: Where do you think she is going and why did she run out on Josh??? Sorry this update took ages, but I have finished with all of my other stories and I won't start any more until I have finished this yayyyyyyyy!!!

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