Introduction/Reader's info.

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Hello, hey there, hi. 

Ok so this is my first fanfiction, or story, and why not do it on Sokka since he is the absolute love of my life (seriously, I don't even understand the love I feel for him.)

I also noticed that there aren't that many Sokka fanfics or any Avatar: The Last Airbender stories. Seriously, Sokka and this entire franchise is dangerously underrated. 

So my best friend, Ashley, took it upon herself to suggest I write one because of my passion for this show. And here we are. Literally, it's all because of her I am doing this. I don't even think my mediocre writing and creativity will do this story any justice, but we shall see. So, thank you, Ashley, love you babe. :)

Anyways, here are some information you should know before you read: 

 You are the main character. I named her Safiyah, but nonetheless, you are her. If you want to imagine yourself as y/n or don't want to be Safiyah, I don't care. Whatever makes you happy. I personally want to portray her to look like me, so that is what her initial look is, but like I said, if you want to imagine her to look like you or any other person, that's perfectly fine. Hopefully, in the near future, (and if I find time), I might show a sketch of how I think she looks like and how I imagined her. 

But anyways, that's all I have for my introduction, if you are interested, good, welcome to the journey and to this fanfiction, hopefully you shall enjoy it! If not interested, frick you. No, I am joking. :) If you aren't interested, I wish you a pleasant day, and hopefully you'll find a story on Wattpad that'll appeals to your interests. 

That is all. 

Love, Sumaya. ;)

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