Chapter 6: The Southern Air Temple (Pt.1)

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Hello :)

3rd Chapter, here we go. I won't say much so enjoy! 

P.S. The beginning of this chapter is..... WOW..... like I myself was on the edge of suspense. And I'm the writer! Anyhow, enjoy!


"Um- I- can we do this later?" Safiyah asked. 

I scoffed loudly. 

"What? You can't tell him the truth? You can't make him think badly of you? I don't think you should worry about your reputation at this point," I ranted. 

"Sokka, just let her talk-," Katara said. 

"I-," Safiyah started. 

"No, you don't get to cower and avoid talking about all the stuff that you did because you don't want people to think badly of you. You did those stuff and wanted to do them, just to let you know. So whatever question Aang asks, you have to answer," I chided. 

"Yeesh, Safiyah, what did you do?" asked Aang incredulously. 

"She came-," I started to tell. 

"At least let me talk for myself! Don't butt in," she snapped. 

She crossed her hands over her chest and sighed. She looked at me and then she looked back at Aang. 

"Ok, Aang what's the very first thing you want to know about me?" Safiyah asked. 

"Ok, um, gee, I don't know, uh, ooh ok I'll start off small. Who are you related to in the Fire Nation? I mean, are you a commoner, runaway royalty, you know?" Aang asked. 

"My father is one of the Fire Admirals of the Fire Navy." she answered. 

"Ok, how did you learn sword-fighting, and just fighting in general?" Aang questioned. 

"My father was respected by Fire Lord Ozai so as a favor, Fire Lord Ozai provided me with fire bending and sword fighting lessons on the palace grounds. That's how I learned everything I know since the age of 6." she explained. 

"Ok, so you definitely lied about being a water bender?" confirmed Aang. 

"Well, technically, I lied for her to save face, she only agreed," babbled Katara. 

I don't really understand why she forgives or even tolerates Safiyah. She constantly brings up our mother's death, so I don't why this isn't wrecking her like it wrecks me. 

"Yes, but I'm definitely not a water bender," agreed Safiyah. 

"Ok, so then here's what doesn't make sense. If you're a fire bender and from the Fire Nation, how did you end up in the Southern Water Tribe?" Aang interrogated. 

Safiyah looked at me again. I gave her a hard look, urging her to go on. She looked back to Aang. 

"My father is," she paused, "very abusive. He would do terrible things to me and my whole family. He was also strict with my training. Whenever he would have time, he would watch over me and would burn me whenever I messed up. I trained for long hours, from dawn to dusk."

She paused again. 

"It wasn't just that. I could stand the training and burns. I actually liked the training, it made me stronger. But he was terrible to my mother and my sisters the most. They were all non-benders. I was the only bender besides my father. I don't understand why he married her in the first place if he was going to put her through that misery, but my mom used to lie to me and say he loved her in the early years of their marriage. She stopped saying that when things got much worse." Safiyah stopped. 

A Strange Beginning  - Sokka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now