Chapter 25: Off-guard Envy

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HEYY Y'ALL!!! Hope you all are doing well, staying safe, being healthy, as always. Oh, my, GOD. I'm so excited for today's chapter, AHHHH. I really, really hope y'all are enjoying the story thus far, 'cause I have LOTS on the way! So sit back, relax, and maybe enjoy this chapter. Happy reading!


|Off-guard Envy|


I'm resting my head on my bag, feeling my sword's hilt jutting at my scalp. I get up crankily and open my bag to adjust my things. I move some clothes here and there, making them the source of my comfort. I rest back down, satisfied with the change in adjustment. Then I hug myself, bundling me in as much warmth remaining as possible. 

We've finally reached the North Pole, not the tribe, revisiting the blistering tundra I once resided in. I can't believe I was able to live in such conditions for two years. My fire bending is useless here, a meek weakling. Appa glides over the icy water, lacking elevation. Ice surrounds us, all possessing impaling features. 

I hear Sokka groan next to me. "We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe!"

"Whatever happened to a map?" I ask sarcastically. "We're kind of just gliding in a mass of water called the ocean."

"I-" I hear Katara say, but we're interrupted by sharp crackling. We turn ahead and see an ice wall decorated with clawing, thick icicles shoot up in front of Appa, startling us significantly. Aang violently swerves Appa, tossing Katara, Sokka, and I in the saddle, making us hold on for dear life. 

However, that block of ice wasn't the last of it. More shoot up from the water like sprouting flowers, surprising us with their deadly severity. Appa trips over one, tumbling into the water. For a second, I think he'll land on it with his back, wetting everyone, but he lands on his belly at the last second. To top it all off, walkways of ice freezes him into place from all directions, steadying him. 

I catch my breath and swipe away locks of hair from my face, clearing my sight. I see boats, designed in an ensemble with differing shades of purple and blue, and they emerge from all directions, zeroing on us in the center. 

"They're water benders, we found the water tribe!" Katara cries happily. 

"Yeah, that's great and all, but couldn't they have given us a warmer welcome?" I mutter. Oh wait, they can't, it's too cold. I laugh at my stupid joke, highly amused, and Sokka turns around to me. 

"What's so funny?" he asks, a confused smile creeping up on his face. My face heats up in embarrassment. "Come on, tell me."

"Nothing, it was just a stupid joke I made. They sort of attacked us by sending icebergs, and I complained about not getting a warm welcome. The punchline is-"

"Oh, I get it. They can't give us a warm welcome because it's too cold," Sokka finishes, laughing through the words, and the sound is something I don't mind hearing. 

"Yes, exactly!" 

I feel Appa loosening from underneath me and realize his binding ice has freed him. Then I hear, "Come follow us, we'll lead you to our home. We welcome you, Avatar!" The voice came from one of the men standing on the boats.

The boats line up around us in a uniform formation and sail smoothly along the water, representing their prized element. Appa swims between them lazily, soaking in the water. Everywhere I look, there is blue, whether it's an elegant sapphire or a sharp royal shade, with light accents providing more to the majestic detail. 

We reach what seems to be an icy fortress, and immediately I know that the Northern Tribe is nothing like the Southern. The snowy wall stands stiffly, radiating strength, like it's built out of bricks. At the top of the wall, an arch interrupts the smooth architecture and the Water Tribes' insignia is etched. On each side, there are taller - if that was possible - and uneven ice walls holding the main, smoother wall in place. Behind the main wall, I can see towers peaking at me, ready to unleash a wondrous civilization I know is waiting behind. 

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