Chapter 28: Unsaid Thoughts

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HEYYYY GUYS!! Hope you are all doing well and fine. The awaiting chapter for last chapter's cliffhanger is here! I'm so, so sorry it's late, I just got busy and didn't have much of a chance to open my computer. If you want, enjoy the song I have on the top. I was debating between this one and Class Fight by Melanie Martinez, but personally, I think this is the perfect song for this chapter. Anyways, I won't keep you any longer, and happy reading!


|Unsaid Thoughts|

I stand there, situated in my spot. What's peculiar is that, even though I hate the sight occurring in front of me, it was next to impossible to look away. 

I hear bits and pieces of their talking but I'm not in the state of mind that allows me to fully comprehend their speech. Then I see Yue run into the building connected by the bridge and Sokka goes down the stairs. At first, his expression is dismayed, but then it transforms into a smile that appears to hint at gratefulness.

Once I'm out of my trance, I panic and look for a reasonable excuse. Something to explain my somewhat tragic facade. 

"Hey, Safiyah!" Sokka yells. "Did you just come right now?" I blink up to him and see a bigger grin on his face. 

"Yeah I did, I was just looking for you," I murmur. I'm looking down, pretending to be focused on the cracks in the icy ground. I knew this place wasn't perfect. 

"Well, come on, we need some sleep," he says. He pulls my arm along with him, and I jerk away from his touch. He gazes at me, almost hurt. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just going to go on a walk. I'm not tired."

"Are you sure? You haven't been sleeping much."

"Look, I'm fine," I finalize. I'm begging to be alone. "I'll be back."

He nods with a small smile and I watch him leave. I don't move until he's gone. I start walking in the opposite direction in a rushed manner, hearing my boots scuff against lingering snow in the ground. I look up and find myself in front of the palace, where Katara battled Pakku. 

I drop down at the foot of the stairs leading up the palace and stare into the distance, processing everything. Then, my eyes water up and a single tear slides down. That's when my silent sobbing starts, shaking every inch of my body, even the hand against my mouth. 

I suddenly think back to everything that happened in the past months, trying to find the source of these new emotions. Slowly, small moments start popping back up, ones that were merely in the back of my mind. Casual smiles, every time his hand accidentally brushed mine, or joked around with me. Simple things that I took so seriously. 

But I still didn't feel this terrible. I didn't feel this covetous. There weren't reminders pouring down on me, making me break down even more on the inside. 

It hits me; I had to see him with someone else to actually realize this longing.

Behind me I hear faint footsteps, but I don't turn around. Not until the figure sits down next to me, and I'd distinguish that white hair from anywhere. 

"What are you doing here?" Yue whispers. 

"Stargazing," I reply bitterly. There aren't any stars, it's a clear night. "Are you doing the same?"

"No, I just sneaked out for some air," she replies. She feels like prying because she says, "Did you see me and Sokka kiss? At the bridge tonight?"


"You're lying." 

"Whether I'm lying or not isn't your business, Princess. Besides, you were too busy groping his face to even notice me." Her face is wounded from my harsh words and I'm more than ready to end this worthless conversation. "Good night." I get up from the stairs and trudge away. 

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