Chapter 21: The Fortune-Teller

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Hey guys! Regular chapter following a regular episode, BUT there will be some..mmm... foreshadowing on Safiyah AND some Sokka x Safiyah action! So I'm excited, maybe you're excited, point is, happy reading!


|The Fortune-Teller|


I'm happily juggling balls of fire in my right hand, watching them fly in the air like little shooting stars. Sokka, Katara, and Aang are huddled around each other, talking quietly. 

I shoot them a skeptical look. "What are you guys whispering about? Did I do something?"

Katara and Aang fervently shake their heads, almost desperate to dismiss the idea. "No, you didn't do anything!"

"Then include me. What are you guys talking about?" I ask. 

"Well, there's something we've wanted to tell for a few days now, we just didn't know how," Sokka begins, almost weighing the decision of continuing. 

"Is it bad or good?" I offer, still confused. 

"Well, uh-" he answers. 

"Look!" Aang suddenly shouts and points to the river next to us. A green fish is diving in and out the water. It has green whiskers, and it's streaked with dark forest-green designs on its back, along with lemon colored fins. My attention is immediately captured by it and its circus inspired flips. 

"Ooh fish!" I exclaim. I run deep into the water, the bottom half of my robe and pants getting soaked. I trail my eyes over the water, trying to find it. Suddenly, it jumps in front of me, almost punching my chin with its thick middle. I back up in surprise and it hides back underwater. "Sokka, come help me!"

"I'm trying, but Aang used the fishing rope and wove it into a necklace!" Sokka explains. "For Katara!"

I nod my head, smiling. "That's adorable!"

Sokka wades into the water, frustrated. "Maybe he'll go into the jewelry making business instead of saving the world."

"It's called expanding your options," I say matter-of-factly. "Now, we'll try to look underwater for the fish, but if one of us catches it, the other will stab it. Or I can smoke it then and there. Either way works."

"Ok, sounds like a plan," he agrees. We both scout the water, looking for the green and yellow streaks. 

"How do I look?" I hear Katara ask behind me. I look behind me and see her standing with the woven necklace, and her pose is really flattering. It brings out her figure and she looks like she's glowing under the sun.  

"You- you mean all of you or just-just your neck because both look great," I hear Aang stutter in response. I chuckle silently at his childish embarrassment. 

Sokka rushes out from the water, hugging the fish in triumph. He looks over to Aang and sees him blushing, and sings, "Someone's in love." 

However, the fish he's holding takes advantage of his distraction and slaps him across the face with its tail, knocking him in the water. I whine, "Damn it Sokka, you lost the fish." I watch the water once again, and I easily find it wiggling through the water. I grab my daggers resting on my belt and stab the fish, bringing it up from the water. "See? So easy."

"Whatever," Sokka grumbles but he gives me an easy grin. 

"Stop teasing Aang, you two. He's just a good friend, a sweet little guy like Momo," Katara compares. She purrs at Momo, who rests on Aang's shoulder, and pets him tenderly. 

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