Chapter 16: An Alliance

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Heyyy guys! So the chapter for today doesn't include the Gaang at all. This is just a cool chapter that kind of explains who Zen really is and how the discussion is going to go when forming the said alliance with Zuko. So yeah, either way I hope you enjoy! Happy reading!


|An Alliance|


It's been 5 days since I've sent that letter, and still no show of Zen. My anger has been building up each day and is close to boiling off the edge. I've been taking it out on all my training, and I almost feel bad for my trainers. Almost. 

"Prince Zuko, calm down! You're smoking up the whole deck! You're making the fresh sea air lose its purpose," Uncle complains, waving his fan to clear the air around him. 

"Where is he, Uncle? That message was sent almost a week ago," I protest. I stop training and pace uneasily. "If he were to take a war balloon, he would get here in a day and a half! His dad's a commander!"

"I told you, he wouldn't want to help you," Uncle says. He has an easy smile, and he's more focused on his game of Pai Sho. 

"Well, he could've at least sent a letter back," I say meekly. 

My uncle laughs. "Since when are you concerned with letter etiquette, Prince Zuko?" I groan loudly, frustrated. "I think you're overreacting. Safiyah can handle herself. She's pretty good with a sword and fire, based on what I've seen."

"You've seen nothing!" I say incredulously. 

"Oh, right. Could you tell me how good she is?" Uncle asks innocently. I completely ignore him in my unrest, and my uncle notices. "You must really like her." 

"No I don't!" I insist, flustered. "I just want her- I just want her out of the way."

"If you 'wanted her out of the way', you would've just burnt her back at the temple," Uncle says, eyes pinned to his game. "I think you're trying to make up for some regrets."

I hate when he does that; he analyzes every piece of me and derives something from it. "Whatever you say, Uncle." I would burn a whole in the metal of this ship with my pacing. 

"It's ok, you're trying to make up for your past mistakes," Uncle says. "I'm proud of you."

"I said, whatever, Uncle!" I yell. "I said I just want her out of the way!"

"Whatever you say," Uncle paused for effect, and finally looked up at me with a grin, "Prince Zuko."

I furiously breathed fire out of my mouth, smoking up the top deck once again. My uncle just waved his fan while chuckling. I marched down below deck to my room for meditation, if that even works. 


It's the afternoon, and I walk out above deck. It was surprisingly empty, and it was just me alone. I enjoyed the nice feel of tranquility, when I hear a loud whirring above me. I roll my eyes when I realize who it is. 

He comes right when I have a sense of calm. 

I shield my eyes and I see Zen's war balloon get close to the middle of the deck, lowering down. A ladder drops for the bottom hatch and out drops Zen. He looks exactly the same, just has more mature features; more defined jaw, he's taller and leaner, and his raven hair is in the same top-knot with his signature unruly strands hanging out. It gives a sense of rebellion, he said back home, plus it looks good. He gives me a wide smirk while climbing down, making the red thin scar on his cheek crinkle up. 

He walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders with a childish pout then exclaims irritatingly, "Why hello, Zuzu, long time no see! I see you've still got that scar! I've gotta be honest, it really gives you that rugged, debonair, 'I've got trauma' look."

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