Chapter 4: A Dreaded Familiar Face

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Hey, new chapter! Anyhow, I don't need more to say. Happy reading!

I shook off the memory and continued to stuff the daggers in the inside of my coat.

I was about to leave when a realization struck. This was one of the Fire Navy ships coming. One of the generals was bound to recognize me.

I looked through our tent when I found of sky blue piece of cloth. I tied it over the bottom half of my face and checked my face in the small mirror.

I wish there was some way to magically transform my canary yellow eyes into blue ones, but I was just going to have to hope no one will pay attention.

I went to the back walls of the village, that's where the sound seemed to be coming from. I was right. I saw Sokka standing on the wall, near his watchtower, and he was watching for what was going to come.

I hid behind one of the igloo homes, but ready for attack as well.

I stayed waiting, and that's when I heard the rumbling.

The ground was shaking under my feet and the village walls started screaming under the pressure. Sokka's watchtower completely collapsed. The villagers were all terrified, and the kids were running back to their parents as their hiding places.

I got out of my hiding place to see more of the scenery, to see more of what was happening.

A cosmic ship, not a boat, a ship, was coming straight at Sokka and ready for it's stem to run through the village. Sokka stood there in shock, not moving.

"SOKKA, GET OF THE WAY," I yelled. He stayed still, he wasn't moving an inch. I started running towards him so I can get him out of the way.

By the time I had started move towards him, the boat had already ambushed the wall he was standing on. But luckily, nothing happened to him, he just fell on the mini avalanche that was caused. He got up and was into his focused stance in a matter of seconds.

"He's really a bigger idiot than I thought," I muttered under my breath.

The ship stayed there, unmoved, and everyone in the village was waiting to see what was going to happen. I was breathing heavily in anxiety.

Then, the hull of the ship opened to be a deck to walk onto. My eyes widened, and Sokka almost got trampled again, until he got away.

I backed up, my heart pounding, not ready to face what was going to come out from the ship.

Three shadows came into view and they all came out, but I couldn't see their faces properly, especially since they had head coverings on

It wasn't until they walked halfway down the deck that I recognized one of them. Very well.

My blood turned to ice.

Zuko stormed down the deck, with his large stance, and an impatient look on his face. His crimson scar was more prominent than when I last saw it.

All the memories came rushing back, I got dizzy with nostalgia.

Sokka started foolishly charging towards Zuko, with his sword yielded, and Zuko effortlessly kicked him and his sword into the snow. I sighed in exasperation.

Thankfully, I was in the back of the group of villagers, because Zuko immediately walked up to Katara and Kanna and started probing them with questions.

"Where are you hiding him?" Zuko asked. When he got no answer, his eyes started to dart around the village, from side to side.

Zuko looked... different. The last time I saw him was when he was 13 and I was 12. He changed so much in such a short period of time. He's taller, leaner, and he's much angrier. His face seems to be full of lines, even when he's relaxed. I don't blame. I guess that's what banishment does to a person.

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