Chapter 2: Miracle's Work

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Yayyyy 2nd Chapter, here we go! Anyhoo I shall not take up much of your time, so enjoy!

After what had seemed to be several minutes, I lift my head to look at the damage. There is a circle of lights surrounding the explosion, almost like the Northern Lights, but much brighter. The upper half of the sphere is completely gone, but I don't see any boy or bison. I look over at Sokka and Katara, and they are both lifting their heads. Sokka is alert, with his spear in hand, protecting his sister. I warm up my hands, not because of the cold, but for protection.

Then, the boy we saw earlier emerges from the sphere, still glowing.

I widen my eyes in fear. He seems as if he's possessed.

"Stop," Sokka yells out. He has his spear right in front of him, ready to attack.

I get closer to Sokka and Katara to get a better look at the boy. He's still glowing, but then he stops.

The boy falls, as if he fainted, and slides down the slope. I lower my hands, and Sokka lowers his spear. Katara goes to catch the boy before he hits the ground. Sokka and I look at each other and then we focus back to Katara and the boy.

Sokka starts poking the boy's head with the butt of his spear, and I give him a look a behind his back.

"Stop it!" exclaims Katara in annoyance. She hits him so he can back up.

Katara carefully sets the boy down and all of us pay close attention to him every move.

His eyes tingle for a second, and then they open.

"Mmm...," he says, while looking at Katara. Sokka and I lean closer to hear better. The boy seems tired, almost as if he can barely form words.

"I need to ask you something," the boy rasps to Katara.

"What?" Katara asks.

"Please.. come closer," the boy requests.

"What is it?" Katara asks nicely.

"Will you go penguin-sledding with me?" the boy asks in such an upbeat voice, it shocks me. It's like he wasn't struggling to talk just a few seconds ago. The question itself was shocking. If I was trapped in an iceberg for who knows how long, and came out alive, my head would've been full of questions, something along the lines of, "Where am I?".

Katara gives me a puzzled look, and I shrug at her.

"Uhhh, sure, I guess," she answers questionably.

Sokka seemed to have been in shock for the whole time of the weird conversation, because when the boy got up, well glided up, Sokka yelped and yielded his spear once again.

The boy finally asks, "What's going on here?"

"You tell us! How'd you get in the ice? And why aren't you frozen?" Sokka keeps obnoxiously poking the boy.

"Sokka, stop poking him, he's not a toy, " I finally said. He glared at me. I glared at him back. But he stopped nonetheless.

"I'm not sure," the boy says, scratching his head in thought. We hear a growl from behind us, and the boy gasps, as if remembering something. My best guess that it came from the bison.

The boy glides up the slope and goes back inside the destroyed sphere. I subconsciously go and follow him up.

My guess was right. The growl was from the bison, and a huge one at that. I was amazed. I walked down the side of the animal, touching its fur and admiring it. Sokka and Katara walked around the circle and were shocked when they found the bison. The boy eventually woke up the bison, and it growled deeply.

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