Chapter 3: The Avatar Returns

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Yayyyyy another chapter. Anyways, I won't take up too much of your time. Happy reading!

P.S. I know I said I won't take up too much of your time, but look at that picture of Sokka. JUST LOOK AT IT. The LOVE I have for this man, UGH. Anyways, continue reading. 


I went and hiked back to the camp and decided to go visit Koza. I wanted to ask him if he'd heard about Aang. I walked up the familiar circle of tents in the back of camp, and counted up the tents until I finally reached Koza's. I was about to go inside when I heard this whistling sound up above. 

I looked up and I saw a line of orange light streak through the sky. It looked like it was going to land at the entrance of camp. I quickly went inside Koza's tent at to tell him what was going on. I looked through his tents and found that it was empty. 

I left the tent and went back to the entrance of the camp. I found everyone gathered in a group,  and were watching Katara and Aang come back from the direction I came from. I quickly found Koza and I walked up to his side. He was probably the tallest in the village, so he was in the back of the group. 

"Hey, what's wrong, why is everyone here?" I whispered to him. 

"Oh! Hey, Safiyah, you startled me. I'm not exactly sure, I just heard people running out of their tents near me and I thought I should go check out what's happening. I don't even know what that flare is all about!" explained Koza. 

I looked around at everyone's faces. Everyone looked.... disappointed. As if Aang and Katara have done something. Betrayal. 

Katara and Aang got closer to the group and the tribe kids all ran up to hug Aang. Sokka wasn't having it and was the first to step up to express his suspicions. 

"I knew it. You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?" claimed Sokka. 

"Aang didn't do anything! It was an accident!" shot back Katara. 

"Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap, and well, we, boobied right into it," confessed Aang. 

I know the ship they're talking about. It's the one Kanna told me about, the one that came when she was still a girl. It's frozen right at the edge of the island. I probably went over there once, when I was still exploring the island in my early days here. It's a pretty shameful memory here in the water tribe. 

"Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we could all be in danger!" scolded Kanna. 

"Don't blame Katara! I brought her there. It's my fault," Aang had his head hung low in shame. 

"A-ha! The traitor confesses! Warriors away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village." announced Sokka. The little kids who were the "warriors" left Aang's side and went back to their mothers in the group. 

"Sokka, you're making a mistake," stated Katara angrily. 

"No. I'm keeping my promise to Dad. We don't need anymore threats in this village. We have enough as it is! I'm protecting you," Sokka shot back. That made my throat tighten. Koza gave me a sympathetic glance. I knew exactly what everyone was thinking. 

"Sokka, how dare you!" whispered Kanna. Sokka simply ignored her. 

"Aang is not our enemy," said Katara, "don't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time - fun." 

Nope, I'm still miserable. Katara goes penguin sledding for one day in she's apparently on top of the world. I want what she's having.

"Fun? We can't fight fire benders with fun!"  said Sokka. 

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