Chapter 17: Multiple Run-Ins

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Hey y'all! Anyways, y'all know what's up. New chapter! And honestly, I think this one is full with some good stuff, so it might be long. As always, I dearly hope you enjoy! Happy reading!


|Multiple Run-ins|


I was furiously sharpening my sword and daggers, my hands shaking.

"Geez, calm down, you're gonna over-sharpen them," Sokka jokes. "What's got you so stressed anyways?

We're both on Appa's belly, and he's cleaning Appa's feet, while I'm sitting sharpening, and Katara is helping Aang with the basics of water bending. We stopped at this beautiful waterfall surrounded with healthy and different species of plants, but nothing could lift my mood. 

"Zhao," I say after a few seconds. It's partially true. 

"The scary guy with the sideburns?" Sokka asks. I nod "Aren't we all?" He continues scrubbing Appa's feet, and has a casual tone. 

"Yeah, true, true," I return in the same tone, though it's hard to keep my composure. I continue sharpening in the same feverish manner, which I think gives me away. 

I haven't said anything about my suspicions about Zhao, and it's been a week since we left the temple. I didn't mention anything because everyone is also occupied with the fact Aang has to stop Sozin's comet and have all element bending mastered by then. The last thing they need to hear is my crazy father probably has an army after us, though I've been thinking about it non-stop. I also can't bear to face the truth. So I've been quiet, and may stay quiet longer. 

"Ok, I think that's enough sharpening," he says. He comes to sit next to me. "Personally, the excessive sharpening isn't great, and you're obviously stressed, so just put them down." Sokka was inches away from me, and I'm mesmerized, feeling my face get hot. When he saw me frozen, he gently took the dagger that I was sharpening from my hands, along with the rock I was using, and put them aside. He gave me a small smile and went back to what he was doing, all in a casual notion. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

Sokka was now whistling, filling up the gap of my sharpening. I was still sitting there, confused, to why I was so...stuck. 

I feel my heart pounding out of its chest, and I roll my eyes. "Oh, please."

"Did you say something?" Sokka asks. 

"No, nothing," I reply weakly. I turn around and see a wall of water coming to envelope me and Sokka. "Sokka, look!"

Sokka looks up, his face filling with horror. I step up and create an equally big fire wall of my own, parting the water. Sokka and I don't get wet, but the force moves Appa violently enough for our supplies to fall and flow down the river. 

"That's enough practicing for today," I hear Katara yell at Aang. 

"I'll say! You just practiced all our supplies down the river!" Sokka chided. 

"Yeah, that was my fault. Because of my wall," I mutter. 

"No, it wasn't, you were just trying to help. At least we didn't get wet, so that's a plus," he assures me. 

"I'm sure we can a find a way to replace all this stuff," Aang says, biting his lip sheepishly. 

"Yeah, well, let's get going," I say. 


Thirty minutes later, we arrive at a busy marketplace near the sea, with all sorts of terrifying-looking people. They have permanent scowls on their face, which scared Sokka, Katara and I, although Aang was fascinated by the place. 

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