Chapter 19: Traitor

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Hey guyyyyys! Second part, hope you're ready! And I hope you're dong well, as always! Happy reading! 




I'm repeatedly stabbing my dagger into the wooden deck I'm sitting on, frustrated. Sokka is next to me, silent, and he's been quiet ever since we returned from our so-called mission with Jet. By his expression, the last thing I want to do is interrupt his uneasiness with my talk. 

Stick it in. Take it out. Katara interrupts this rhythm with an earnest tone. "Hey guys, is Jet back?" 

Sokka's bleak face turns into anger in a second and he snaps, "He's back but we're leaving!" 

"What? But I made him this hat," Katara complains. She pulls out a fairly sized autumn-red hat with an orange flower on top. It looked ridiculous in my eyes, and I couldn't imagine Jet wearing it. 

"Your boyfriend's a thug," Sokka protests. 

"He's a jerk," I add on. "And that's a huge understatement."

"No he's not," Katara argues. 

"He beat and robbed a harmless old man," Sokka shoots back, his voice rising. 

"We saw everything!" I insist. 

Katara crosses her arm angrily. "I wanna hear Jet's side of the story."

"Of course you do," I mutter under my breath. I raise my voice for everyone to hear me. "Fine, we'll go, but you'll see Jet's not as he seems."


We reach Jet's little hut and we find him sitting on a small swing. 

"You guys told them what happened but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire Nation?" Jet accuses. 

I see Katara's expression soften towards me, but then it hardens once again. "No, they conveniently left that part out." 

I was shocked, but I wouldn't let it show. I can't believe she would easily switch to such views considering she's traveling with a fire bender. But like I said, my face is blank. 

"He was a harmless civilian," Sokka argued. 

Jet pulls out an oddly curved dagger with a spiky gold handle, and unscrews the ring at the handle's bottom. A vial with a salmon-colored liquid is revealed and my eyes widen. "There's a compartment for poison in the knife."

"There was no knife on him," I say lowly. 

"Yeah, I didn't see any knife either," Sokka spats out. 

"That's because he was concealing it," Jet explains. I'm sickened by the calm and apologetic expression he's wearing, acting like a victim. 

"See? I'm sure you two just didn't see the knife," Katara says. 

"If you found the knife earlier while you were beating him, than you would've showed it to Sokka and I," I argue. 

"That's because we didn't find it until we came back," Jet says evenly. There's a tinge, just a tinge of exasperation in his voice. 

"Whatever, we're still leaving today," I flare. I march out the curtain doorway, stomping through the bridge leading to our hut. I feel a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back, and yell, "Get the hell of me!"

"Calm down, it's just me," Sokka says. I roll my eyes and continue walking down the bridge. The fear of looking down isn't gripping me as usual because of my rage. "Something else is bothering you, isn't it?" 

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