Chapter 15: Winter Solstice

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Heyyyy y'all. New chapter aha ha. Sorry it's late. Hope you're excited cause I am too. So yeah, happy reading!!


|Winter Solstice|


Aang is trying to speed Appa up, but he isn't cooperating. 

"Come on boy, we've got a long way to go. Faster," he urges sternly. Appa barely picks up the pace. 

It's the day after I got trapped in the spirit world, and apparently, while I was there, Aang had gotten some sort of vision. He's supposed to go to a crescent-shaped island in order to actually talk to Avatar Roku so he can understand the vision. And I'm all for it. 

Except I would like it more if it wasn't in the Fire Nation. 

That's why I'm rummaging in my bag for a small piece of cloth to cover my face, like the one I used at the village, and putting all my weapons on me. 

"Actually, no Appa, just take, take your time, buddy," I waved Aang off. "We're not gonna miss anything." I tied the cloth around my face. covering as much as possible. 

"Safiyah!" Aang snapped at me. "We need to get there before the solstice, and you aren't helping."

"I'm sorry," I retorted. "I'm just tense."

Sokka opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but Katara interrupted him. "Aang, we got trouble."

I went over to see what the trouble was and my heart caught in my throat. It was Zuko and he was gaining fast on his ship. 

"Never mind, Appa speed up, come on," I cried. I squinted my eyes to see what was happening on Zuko's ship. He had a sort of catapult and loaded a boulder, a lit on fire. He shot it at us, with Appa struggling to dodge it. The smell from the rock was intoxicating, and Zuko still wouldn't rest. 

"Aang, can't you make Appa go any faster?"Sokka pleaded. When he panics, his voice goes higher up an octave. Normally, I find it funny, but now it just means we're screwed. 

"Well, I can, there's just one problem," Aang explained. He pointed in front of him, and farther off in the waters, there was a blockade fleet of Fire Nation ships.

"Damn it, it's a blockade. We can't go through," I concluded. 

"Yes we can. If we fly north, we can go around the Fire Nation ships and avoid the blockade," Aang explained. 

That sounded great to me. "Yeah, and then we'd avoid Zuko. He's banished, remember? If he were to try and get past the blockade, he would be done for."

"There's no time," Katara said. 

"It's the only way, Katara," I told her. 

"It doesn't matter. Let's run this blockade," Sokka announced. 

"You are all so reckless," I said, but they ignored me and continued with the plan. 

Right as we started getting closer, a series of fired rocks were shot at us from the ships. Aang struggled to dodge them. I tried protecting Sokka and Katara under a fire wall, but we just kept lurching from our spots; we were about to fly off at any second. I gave up and we all just hung tight to Appa's saddle. My stomach was rolling violently and my adrenaline was pumping. My heart was jumping out of my chest and I had to cover my face so I wouldn't have to deal with everything happening.

Finally, Aang went higher in elevation and went above the clouds. But we weren't given any rest, because we were met with another monstrous series of fire rocks threatening to plummet us. They caught us off guard to the point Sokka and I got knocked off the saddle. I luckily caught on to the edge of it just in time, and I stretched my arm out to Sokka's, grasping it before he flew away. Katara tried helping us up. 

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