Chapter 14: The Spirit World

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Heyyyy guys. If you're new, welcome. Enjoy the ride. If you're not new, well, the same to you as well. My point is, here's a new chapter!  Enjoy!


|The Spirit World|


"What's all that charred land?" Safiyah asked. She pointed to this rough, uneven piece of land that was pitch black while it was surrounded by fresh, succulent land. 

"Let's go land," Aang said. He took the reins and brought down Appa and we walked around the place. 

"It's so quiet. There's no life anywhere," I marveled in shock. 

"Yeah, probably because it's burnt. You know, things die when they burn," Safiyah said with a sharp edge. 

Usually I would respond with a well-versed retort, but lately I've been holding them in out of guilt. I don't know why, but I know that I should probably shut up. Safiyah was the one that was trying to fix things but I kept messing things up. I know I should feel relieved that she's leaving me alone, but I still feel bad, and I hate it. 


I already knew who did this; I think the team was being quiet to spare me the awkwardness. I was already feeling incredibly guilty when I saw Aang's usual boyish grin replaced by sadness. It broke my heart. I walked up to him, crouching down next to him. 

"Aang, I'm really sorry. On behalf of my crap show of a nation," I apologized feebly. Aang chuckled mutely and went back to a frown. 

"It's not your fault. I don't know how I could let this happen," Aang said softly. 

"It has nothing to do with you," Katara comforted. 

"Yeah, I mean, it's not your fault that almost a whole nation of ruthless killers that want to suck the life out of everything is the team against you," I say. "I personally refer to them as soul-suckers." I made a slurping noise, like when you eat noodles, to indicate the soul-sucking. I was trying to amuse Aang, but I don't think I'm succeeding. 

"It is my fault. I don't know how to do my job. Monk Gyatso said that Avatar Roku would help me," Aang confessed. 

But he's dead, I thought, confused. 

Suddenly, an old man with a walking stick and light green robes walked over to us. We all stood up, ready for approach. 

"Who are you?" Sokka queried. 

The old man ignored Sokka and walked over to where Aang was, near me and Katara. "When I saw the sky bison, I thought it impossible. But then those markings...... Are you the Avatar, child?" 

Aang nodded in response. 

"My village needs your help. Here, let me lead the way," the man said. 


The man took us to a small and remote village that had a few houses destroyed. The man lead us to what seems to be the biggest house in the village and in the center-back. 

I had assumed it to be the house of the village leaders, but it was just full of stray villagers and children.

A younger, middle-aged man with a neat top-knot walked up to Aang and bowed his head to him. "So the rumors are true. It's the greatest honor to be in your presence."

"Nice to meet you too," Aang answered cheerfully. "So, is there something I can help you with?"

"For the last few days at sunset, a spirit monster comes and attacks our village," the old man told us. "He is Hei Bai, the black and white spirit."

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