Chapter 26: Terrible First Day

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Hey guys! Hope you're doing well. New chapter XD. Anyway, I won't keep you any longer. Get reading, and I hope you enjoy as always!

P.S This is just me being annoying and hating on Hahn, but my dude is UGLY. Like that's hitting me extremely hard right now. Anyways, on to the chapter. 


|Terrible First Day|


The next morning comes by, and I rise about an hour after dawn. I see that Katara and Aang have left our little hut. Right as I focus my sight, I catch a glimpse of a leg exiting the door. I can only imagine that's Sokka, and I pounce up from my sleeping bag. I wash my face, brush my teeth, fix last night's braid and hurry out. 

I still find him weaving through the homes and I speed up, grabbing his shoulder. He turns around sharply but his expression softens when he sees me. 

"Oh, good morning," he says cheerfully.

"Good morning," I reply. "Where you going?"

"Oh, uh," he hesitates. The same, recurring flushed expression from last night returns. "So here's the thing."

"What? Spill it," I probe. I have a suspicion about what he's going to tell me, but I want to hear him say it. 

"I have a huge crush on Princess Yue," he blurts. "Like a gigantic crush, and I wanted to go find her before I head out to train."

Again, the jealousy from yesterday comes crashing down on me, and the feeling makes my face heat and chest tighten. 

"Oh, really?" I ask weakly. My voice lacks enthusiasm, but has enough faking for him to hopefully not notice. 

"Yeah, you want to come along?" he asks earnestly. 

"Sure, why not? I have nothing better to do," I scorn. I can't even use fire bending training as an excuse; someone would rat me out. 

"Great! Come on," he says excitedly. My arm is grabbed and we weave through building until we find the river that channels through the whole tribe. We end up on a bridge and rush down the stairs when we see Yue nestled on a boat, along with a man who's water bending the waters. 

"Princess Yue! Good morning!' Sokka yells. His voice is a lit, like he's walking freely on air. He's grinning widely and he's let go of my arm to walk alongside Yue's boat. His lack of grip leaves a noticeable absence, and all I can do is just catch up to him silently.

I wave to her as a greeting. "Hey." I could be more cheerful, but don't feel like it. 

"Good morning, Safiyah," she replies politely. She turns back to Sokka to continue their conversation. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself last night."

Without missing a beat, Sokka says, "Well, it wasn't much fun after you left." Yue turns away, blushing, matching Sokka. I just stand there, emotions flowing through me in an unimaginable amount. Awkwardness, strong envy, and then remorse. 

"So, I'm hoping we could see more of each other," Sokka continues. 

"Do an activity, you mean?" Yue replies cheerfully. At this point, I'm considering drifting away and turning back home. 

"Yes! At a given time, at a place."

"I'd love to. Meet me at that bridge tonight." Yue points to a bridge up ahead. 

Sokka nods cheerfully."Great, I'll see you." Due to his distracted walking, he falls in the water, stupidly getting wet. Yue giggles and apologizes, then drifts away in her boat, leaving an unstable, swooning Sokka along with me. 

"Looks like you've got a date," I deadpan. "Good for you." 

He doesn't seem to notice my tone at all, because he exclaims excitedly, "I know, I know! Now come on, let's get to warrior training."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, you mean training by yourself, right?"

"No, there's an actual group here. Actual warriors. They train too, so let's go join them."


"I'm sorry, I can't what?" I ask incredulously. 

We're in the training hut, the one with all the tribes' warriors. The first thing I notice is that everyone is male, but I brush it off. I'm sure that if a woman were to show skill and potential they'd let her join. 

That's what I naively thought. 

"Women aren't permitted to train to be warriors," the chieftain says. 

"Why? I can fight," I argue. 

"But you are a woman. That isn't fit for you, you'll just be dead weight," he replies calmly, like I'm asking about the weather. 

I turn to Sokka with a disbelieving expression, but he's just as confused as I am. He starts to defend me. "Look, I don't think that's fair. She's really good, just give her a chance."

"I'll have you know that we visited an island where all the warriors were girls," I shoot back. "They could probably abolish every single one of you in this room."

The warriors in the room were all quiet yet slightly annoyed, and I assume my agitation isn't good for me. One boy who seems to be around seventeen with short hair strands framing his face cuts into the conversation, smirking. "Look, you, as a woman, just aren't cut out for this. Men can think on their feet and use technique when fighting, and not to mention, are physically strong. Your, uh - how do I say this? - womanly emotions would cloud up your lack of thinking, so you'd just throw mindless hits. Which, again, wouldn't help you because you'd be weak."

To be honest, surprise was my main emotion at the moment. It would soon transform to anger, but that was for later. 

"Look, don't take it personally-" As he was talking, he was reaching a hand to my shoulder, but I grab, no grip his wrist before it even reaches it. He tries to shake out of my grasp, but I turn him around and kick him down. 

"What makes you think you can touch me?" I snarl. He growls angrily while stuck on the ground, and I notice his red cheeks, which I imagine are from embarrassment. That amuses me greatly. "Someone's not used to having bruised pride."

He pounces up to the ground, and I sense his anger increasing. "Let's test out your fighting skills then." 

He grabs a spear from the collection that hangs up on the wall and he charges at me, the whale-toothed point coming straight at me. I smartly move to the side, dodging him and using his momentum against him. As I expected, he slightly stumbles forward with unbalance and I use that to my advantage. I take our his legs from underneath him, making him splatter on the ground and his spear clatter on the floor. I walk leisurely to the spear and pick it up. 

"I think my technique and strength are pretty good, don't you think?" I ask venomously. I turn to the chieftain, who's eyes hold slight admiration. Too late for that now. "Here's your spear." He takes it from me and I don't waste a second look on him. I turn to the other warriors, including Sokka, and say with mock excitement, "Have fun training for war!"

Then I walk out, feeling the blank look on my face along with the tornado of emotions inside. 

Ok, that's it! Sorry, really, really, REALLY short chapter today. WEIRD, I KNOW. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed as always! Next chapter is on the way, so stay tuned! ALSO, Y'ALL I HIT 1K ON MONDAY!!! WHAT UH- ANYWAYS, I won't waste your time with my loud celebrating, so vote and comment if you wanna and have a good day!

Love, Sumaya :)

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