Author's Note

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Hello, hey there, hi.

First of all, I would just like to say, I really, really hope you all enjoyed the last chapter. As much as I was excited to share it, I was also a bit nervous. I wanted to make it as intriguing as possible and I wasn't sure if my writing would give that affect.

Second of all, thank you! Thanks to everyone who read this! It's really encouraging to see other people read my writing and maybe even enjoy it. You have no idea how much that means to me and I thoroughly enjoyed writing this book! I can't wait for you all to read and see what I have in store. I know this author's note is making it seem like this is the end, but it's not! Two more books are on the way, people!

Third of all, I have some questions which I hope you can answer. Don't worry, nothing bad or intruding. Some of them are personal, meaning towards you, the reader. Some are just to feed my curiosity and to help me grow as a writer. I am only fifteen, after all. Here they are:

1. What's your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Preferred pronouns?

4. What are you hobbies?

5. What do you want to be when you're older? Ambitions?

And now here are the question regarding my fan-fiction (ANSWER HONESTLY, IT HELPS ME):

1. How did you find my fan-fiction?

2. What was your absolute favorite part? 

3. Which moment got the biggest reaction out of you? Something that made you go, "Oh, my, gosh, that really just happened!" This could be for any moment. 

4. How would you rate my writing? 

5. What parts of my writing needs work? What do you feel would've made this book better and how can I make it better later in the series?

6. Did you find the story boring at any point? I believe it might've had that effect since I followed the story line of the show a little too much. 

7. What parts of the story did you feel were weak and rushed? 

8. What part of the story did you feel were well-written? What elements of my writing did you like?

9. Are you going to read the second book for this series?

10. What are some theories you have about what might happen?

11. What are you excited to find out about?

12. Lastly, how would you rate this book overall?

So sorry about all the questions, I'm just so curious about what you all think and the feedback helps. Little F.Y.I, I'm gonna be taking at least a week break from writing before I start the second book. That's also enough time for the, ahem, suspense to settle in. Anyways, I truly, truly hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm even more excited to write the second book.

That is all. 

Love, Sumaya ;)

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