Chapter 20: The Blue Spirit

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Hey guys! Like I said, I was thinking about doing a Zuko P.O.V. and here it is! F.Y.I This P.O.V is based on the one from the episode "The Blue Spirit" and this chapter will fill y'all on stuff that you might be wondering about. So I guess it's a filler? As always, I hope you enjoy and happy reading! 


|The Blue Spirit|


I'm perched on a watchtower roof, the ocean calmly tossing below me, yet still a threat. 

"Absolutely not. The Yu Yan archers stay here," one voice concludes with a strong, final tone. I faintly hear the slinging of arrows sharply hitting their targets. 

"Why are we here again?" Zen whispers next to me. I can feel his tediousness radiating, even behind his flaming scarlet mask. It resembles a dragon like mine, except it has more detailed etchings, making it grander than mine. 

"Be quiet!" I snap, careful to keep my tone mute. I focus my ears once again, tuning back into the conversation. 

"You're wasting their talents by making them mere guards," I hear a voice scold, recognizing it as Zhao.

"They're my archers, and what I say goes," the voice from before argues, who's I now recognize as Colonel Shinu's. "We're fighting a real war here, and I need every man I've got, Commander."

"But I-" 

"That's final!"

"Well, that's that," Zen says triumphantly. "Let's get back, I want some noodles." 

I stay in my place, and a hawk screeches from the distance, flying inside the watchtower. The hawk perches on the wall, and I hear all the motions. The scuffling of Zhao's feet as he walks over to the wall, the rustling of paper as unrolls the scroll, the loud silence as he reads it, the fire crackling filling. 

"It appears I've been promoted to Admiral," he says smugly. "My request is now an order." 

I hear the second round of quiet, scrimmaging feet and assume its the Colonel, leaving Zhao alone. The hawk gives a second squawk. 

"I got the message," Zhao snarls. "Oh, what's this?"

I hear a second rustling of paper and Zhao chuckles, but it's full of deceit. "Well, that makes things interesting." 


The next day, I'm trying to find the Avatar's trail, and I'm still wracking my brain over yesterday's information. I'm keep guessing what's on that second scroll. 

"We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm from a few days ago, but if we continue heading northeast-" the lieutenant explains to me. He's cut off when we an invading shadow darkens the light, blocking our map. 

I look out the window, and I'm met with steel. I groan when I realize what it is. "What do they want?"

"Perhaps a sporting game of Pai Sho," Uncle says cheerfully. 

"It wouldn't be much of a game anyway," Zen grumbles. "You would just win."

After a few minutes, three soldiers walk onto my ship, walking inside the cabin. They unroll a scroll, revealing a sketch of the Avatar, his childish expression mocking me. 

"The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance," the main soldier announced. "All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao."

"Zhao has been promoted?" Uncle asks. "Well, good for him!"

I hear Zen slurp his noodles before answering, "Sorry fellas, wish we could help you, really do, but we got nothing." He stands up and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Zuzu here has no information on the bald kid."

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