Chapter 11: King Bumi

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Hello, good day to you. Regular chapter today so not much to say. I'm actually starting to worry that the writing is kinda boring hehe. But either way, I really hope your enjoy!


|King Bumi|   


I woke up abruptly from my sleep. I tried going back, but my eyes were sharp and open. My eyes got adjusted to the darkness in a matter of minutes and I saw a long, curved shape on the floor. I squinted to make out the rest of the details in the dark, and I realized that it was Sokka lying on the floor.

I started getting frustrated when I couldn't fall asleep, so I just laid in my bed, staring at the dark, vast cloths hanging up above. 

I heard the sound of the hard rock from the walls being moved, and I figured that there were soldiers coming in to check on us. I snapped my eyes shut and turned my back from where their footsteps seemed to be coming from. 

"So we just shake them awake?" one voice asked. 

"Yeah, that's what he wants us to do, we'll just wake the other ones, take them to the King, and leave the bald kid," another gruff voice answered. 

I opened my eyes in surprise. Where were they going to take us to? And why were they leaving Aang alone? I reached underneath the covers and gripped my daggers, just out of reflex. 

Sure enough, the guards started with grabbing Katara, and I could hear her confused tired talk transform into a higher voice of anger. 

"What, who, Sokka, what? Wait, stop why are you grabbing me? Get away from me!" she yelled. I stayed quiet and faked sleep to not blow my cover. Sokka still obnoxiously snored. 

Until the soldiers moved on to him. They walked over, and one of the guards bumped with my bed, startling me. 

"No, just 5 more minutes, I'm dreaming about meat and kicking Fire Nation butts," Sokka groaned quietly. I rolled my eyes. 

"Sokka, no wait-" Katara started, but I could hear her voice being muffled. 

"Katara, what? Wait, no you're not Katara, no get off me!" Sokka yelled. 

I sensed that one of the guards was getting closer to me, ready to grab me as well. I took that moment and turned my body, kicking him square in the gut. I heard him hit the floor with a hard thud and he bellowed in pain. 

I realized that there were actually 3 guards instead of 2, and were holding Sokka and Katara. They let go of them and got their earth bending ready. They jumped on the ground and readied multiple pieces of the ground in mid-air, and started sending them at me, one-by-one. I blocked them with my forearms, kicked them away, and some I dodged. 

One of the guards got fed up and sent one fairly huge piece of rock towards me, and it knocked me down. I felt the wind knocked out of me, and I rubbed my stomach as I got up, ragged and shallow breaths escaping me. 

The guards took this opportunity and walked over to me, ready to grab me like they did to Sokka and Katara. At the last second, I took my daggers out as a last resort, and I slashed through their robes, hoping to reach some skin as well. Apparently I did, because the guards started wincing in pain. 

But all was lost when the guard I kicked earlier got up and cuffed me by earth bending, making me drop my daggers. The guards I were fighting with grabbed Sokka and Katara and hurried on to leave. The guard who cuffed me grabbed me and smirked at me. 

"You could of just avoided everything by surrendering. Now you're just embarrassed and you lost," he said in my face. His breath stank, and I was getting disgusted. 

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