Chapter 22: Guaranteed Threat

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Heyyyyy guyssss! UGH, sorry about the late update, I haven't found time to finish this chapter. I usually wake up early so I can actually get some writing done, but I've been sleeping in THIS WHOLE DAMN WEEK. So pretty frustrating. But anyhoo, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, and as always, happy reading!


|Guaranteed Threat|


"Saf? Are-are you ok?" I hear Aang ask me. 

I look up at him, disoriented. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" My voice is even, smooth, but it isn't cheerful. It sounds like I'm barely processing something and it won't kick in until later, yet some effects are earlier than others. 

"We didn't know how to tell you," Katara whispers. I snap my head to her and she's looking at her hands, feeling my stare. I look over at Sokka and his mouth is open, like he wants to say something, and his expression is remorseful. 

I straighten up, fixing my posture, and I wait a second before I speak, trying to make my voice not sound weak. I give up, turn, and walk away. 

"Wait, Safiyah-" I hear Aang begin. 

"If you don't mind, I'd like some space," I say, surprised by my strong tone, without turning around. I continue walking to who knows where. Just to be alone. 


I find myself near the entrance of the village, ready to walk down the sheer road and leave. I go out the entrance, and find trees nearby. I find one with bushels of leaves providing shade against the cloudless forecast. I remove my sword from my back and my daggers from my belt, freeing me from any bothersome angles poking against my skin, and throw them on the ground. I sit down at the foot of the tree, and rest my hands on my stomach, clasping them together. For a second, I just zone out and stare at the distance, having whirling thoughts internally, but not acknowledging them externally. 

Then I close my eyes, and a distant memory abruptly pops up. One that includes my sister and my parents. 

We're in the market, a rare venture, and we're waiting behind a man, and in front of him was a woman. My sister and I are eleven. My father impatiently tapped his foot, but his agitation wasn't showing on his face. He wore a blank-slated face despite his normally creased forehead. 

"Try to be patient," Mother said softly. Her chestnut hair swished as her head turned to whisper in my father's ear.

"Whether I'm patient or not isn't any of your business," my father snapped. My mother lowered her head silently, staring at the ground. 

"I hope they have our favorite candy," Suki said next to me. Amara was back at home, tired, and sleeping off her usual sickness. 

"Yes, me too," I agreed. 

We waited until the people in front of us were done. When the man in front of us turned to leave, he made eye contact with my father, and Father shot him a blood-curdling glare. The man looked down in slight fear and rushed away. It was our turn in line.

The shop owner bowed. "How may I help you, Admiral?" 

My father stayed silent and my mother spoke up. "We need to buy some fruit. We'll have some of each, please."

It was my mother's idea for us to go out in the market for fun; we already had people that could do this for us. My father couldn't stand it. 

"Here you go ma'am," the shop owner said. He handed my mother the sack of goods to my mother, and my father rushed to go, leaving us behind. My mother sent a quick 'goodbye' to the owner and hurried along as well. I followed as well but Suki stayed behind. I turned to her and she had sadness written on her face, the type you have when your promise isn't fulfilled. 

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