Chapter 13: Rebellion

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Heyyyy. Anyways, y'all know the drill. New chapter, and I hope you enjoy!




I continued walking, when Sokka reached my side. I rolled my eyes and ignored him completely. 

"What's wrong with you? Why aren't you going with Katara? They're going to take to her to a prison filled with Fire Nation soldiers, this should be like heaven to you," Sokka said. 

My anger was building up from his false accusation, along with his audacity of speaking to me after ignoring me for weeks. "No thanks. I don't owe you any favors," I repeated coolly. 

"Why, don't you wanna go rescue your buddy Haru?" Sokka said mockingly. 

I turned to him sharply. "Sokka, tell me, were you going to tell me about the fans Aiya gave us?" I blurted. I wasn't meaning to talk to him about it, but my frustration was letting it all out. I also realized it was out of the blue and didn't help me. 

His face turned blank and crossed his arms. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'll do you a favor and show you," I snapped. I snatched his bag and rummaged inside, looking for the fans. I found them and shoved them in his chest. "Do these look familiar?"

"Hey, you were snooping in my bag?" he asked. 

"I didn't snoop, your bag was wide open and was in my way," I said. 

Sokka's face softened for a second and then hardened once again. "I forgot about those."

"Oh my- you know, if you're going to lie we can both save our breathes," I said, exasperated. 

"Wait-" he started. 

"Save. It. Let's catch up to your sister and help her make some crazy plan," I said. I walked off for the last time and left before I could hear another word. 


Sokka and I disgruntledly helped a committed Katara push a giant boulder over a vent near one of the mines.

"Geez, how do earth benders lift these like feathers?" I asked tiredly. Once the boulder was over the vent, I was panting and dusting my hands, blowing my hair from my face. 

"Ok, so all Aang has to do is send air through the vent over there," Katara pointed to a vent about 10 feet away from us, "and the boulder will levitate making it look like earth bending."

"Aang, got that?" Sokka asked. 

"Sure, sure, I got it," Aang waved us off. He was snapping gusts of air at a butterfly, distracted. 

"Are you sure?" I confirmed. 

"Yeah, yeah, for sure," Aang said in the same rushed manner. 

"Do you remember your cue?" Sokka urged. 

"Yeah, yeah, just relax," Aang replied confidently. "You're taking all the fun out of this."

"Getting taken by gruesome Fire Nation soldiers on purpose isn't exactly summer vacation," I deadpanned. 

Katara rolled her eyes, amused. "Safiyah, go get the soldiers."

"I'll be right back," I said and ran to the village. 

I sped down the plains and rocky paths and made it to the village entrance. I saw a group of soldiers terrorizing a frightened shop owner. 

"Hey, you guys," I rasped. I tried to sound intimidating, but my voice faltered. I cleared my throat and tried again, this time getting right in front of one of the soldiers. 

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