Chapter 9: A Familiar Voice

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Alright y'all know the drill, new chapter here we go!



"Um, look, I need your help with something," Sokka asked timidly. 

I sat up on my elbows and I inspected him. He was looking at me with expectant eyes and he was twirling his thumbs. I knew the silence was killing him, especially my enigmatic expression. 

"Stop with the fidgeting. Come sit right here," I smirked. I wanted to deride him for saying the same thing to me when I asked for a truce, but he seemed too disturbed to notice. I pat down to the place next to me for him to sit. He was reluctant to move from his spot but then he trailed over to me and sat down. He made sure to keep about half a foot of space between us. "What do you need?"

"I'm starting to change my mind, never mind." he altered. I was taken back by his quick change of mind, and was almost dismayed. He was about to get up but I easily grabbed the back of his collar to hold him down. 

"No, it must be important. And plus, I'm dying to know," I exaggerated with extreme humor in my voice. 

"No, I regret saying anything because you are the wrong person for what I'm about to ask," Sokka protested. 

"Oh please, Sokka just spit it out," I insisted. 

"Fine! I need you to help me ask the warrior leader if she'll train me," he said hurriedly. He was cringing, and his eyes were closed, as if he waiting for the worst to come. 

I rested back on the ground and I laughed out loud. I couldn't stop myself; I had to cover my mouth and my eyes were closed. I could feel myself being red-faced and at the point of hysterics. 

"What's so funny?" asked Sokka in a discouraged voice. I looked at him and I could see a faint blush on his face from embarrassment. 

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. I just think it's funny that a you're coming to me for help when you were a jerk to me yesterday," I said stiffly. I wasn't planning to let him go that easily. 

"Look, I'm sorry about what I said yesterday," he apologized. He seemed sincere, but I knew better. 

"Sorry doesn't cut it," I shot back coldly. 

"Look, I really am sorry to you about what I said and I really have changed my views," he persuaded. 

I sighed. "Why do you want her to train you anyways? You seemed like you were going to teach her a lesson earlier, as you claimed."

"Well, I tried to, but she completely humiliated me in front of all the girls that train with her, so I guess now I'm kind of submissive," Sokka confessed. "I figured since you're a girl-"

"Brilliant observation," I scorned. 

"Well not just that. I mean, you completely beat those girls and you were still humble about it. You still surrendered yourself. That's the type of person I feel I need to be. I just need you to help me approach them and then I'll leave you alone," he said softly. 

I blush lightly at the compliment but I shook it off. I looked at Sokka and I considered what to do. He was totally vulnerable right now, and I could easily use it against him, even if I didn't help him. I rolled my eyes in my irritation. 

"Can't believe I'm doing this. Okay, fine! I'll help you, but I'm only doing this for the truce that you completely forgot about. Plus, I want her to train me too, so I'm not really thinking about your benefit, just to make that clear," I refined. I got up and I reached my hand towards Sokka. 

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