Chapter 12: A New Friend

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Hey, guys. Another day, another chapter. Again not much to say, so I hope you enjoy!


|A New Friend|


I sent a series of kicks and punches at the tree, all with fire coming out. I wasn't mad, just practicing. The tree was dying anyways. 

I started off by sending simple fiery punches and kicks to the tree, like I was attacking a human being. I moved on to producing fire walls around me to protect me in defense. Then, when I really got into it, I made up a whole routine, pretending I was fighting with a group of opponents, striking from each direction. 

I made a wall surrounding me, to buy me some time, and then I used my fire to spring up into the air. I landed down with tornado of fire, and started turning with flaming kicks as soon as I touched the ground. If some of the opponents were quick on their feet and got up, I would take out my sword and fight them. Just to finish it off, I would make one last fire wall, making it collapse on my opponents, burying them in the flames. 

Either way, I would win. 

I grinned in triumph and blew on my two fingers, as smoke was coming from them. I was starting to walk over to the small piece of rocky terrain where camp was set, when I heard ear-splitting booms coming from that direction. I also saw Sokka, Katara, and Aang running to see what was up. 

"Katara, wait!" I yelled. I sped up to catch up to her. I heard footsteps lagging behind, assuming it was Sokka. I caught up to Aang and Katara, and they were hidden behind a fallen tree. 

"Look, there," Katara directed me. Right in front us was a boy, who looked to be a little older than me, who was lifting a boulder and throwing it at the wall of what should be holding a river. The water seemed to have dried out. 

"Look, an earth bender," Katara announced. 

"Let's go meet him!" Aang suggested cheerfully. 

"He looks dangerous, so we better approach cautiously," warned Sokka. 

"You're traveling with me of all people. How dangerous can anything get?" I ribbed him.

He shot me a hard side-glare. "Well, I don't exactly want to get smashed by a boulder. And besides, you're still on my list of people who I find dangerous. Number one on there, by the way."

"Why, I am flattered," I swooned mockingly, 

While we were arguing, Katara took it upon herself to go approach the earth bender. "Hello there! I'm Katara! What's your name?" she yelled out. I got out from behind the tree and walked up to her as protection. She didn't seem to need me, because the guy dropped the boulder right when he saw her. His face turned scared and he ran away, down the path, dropping an avalanche of boulders behind him, blocking the way. I was confused, and Katara's smiled transformed into disappointment. 

"Well, he must be a lovely guy," I scorned. 

"I just wanted to say hi," said Katara. 

"He's gotta be running somewhere. Maybe we're near a village," Aang comforted. 

"Ugh, yes! I would kill for real food," I said. Everyone was silent behind me. "What?" I turned around and everyone was looking at me skeptically, except for Sokka. He was giving me a flaring look. 

I was confused until it dawned on me. "Oh wait, no that's not what I meant. It's just an expression, like, I'm really hungry. I wouldn't actually kill. Someone. For food," I explained anxiously. "Can we just go now? Please?"

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