Chapter 18: Jet

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Hey guyyyyys! As you can tell from the chapter, you already know who y'all shall be reading about. Honestly, really cool and fun chapter. You get a lot of Sokka x Safiyah reader moments so I think you shall enjoy. As always, happy reading!




I was busy packing up all my belongings. Apparently, we're near Fire Nation people. I easily agreed to leaving, I really don't need more of them to worry about. 

I finished packing some clothes and my fans Sokka gave me a while ago, and I fasten my arm protectors tightly. I go put my stuff on Appa with the others, when Sokka stops us. "No flying this time."

"Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asks. 

"Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's too noticeable," Sokka explains. "After this new information about Safiyah's dad, we don't need the trouble."

I told everyone about my suspicions a few days ago. They were pretty concerned to why I didn't tell them sooner, but they understood my reasons. I've tried reassuring them that my dad probably only has Zhao after us, so we don't have much of a threat. 

"No, it's 'cause we happen to have the Avatar and an infamous Fire Nation Admiral's daughter on our team," I tease. "And 'cause they're expert trackers." 

"Well-" he says. 

"Yeah, Appa's not too noticeable," Katara argues. 

"He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kind of hard to miss him," Sokka shoots back. "My instincts tell me we should play it safe and walk." 

"Who made you the boss?" Katara argues. 

"I'm not the boss, I'm the leader," Sokka says. 

"Same thing," I deadpan. 

"You're the leader?" Katara laughs. "But your voice still cracks!"

I smile, amused. "She's right, you have to complete puberty in order to be a leader." 

"I'm the oldest, and I'm a warrior," Sokka exclaims, his voice going higher an octave, but then he deepens it self-consciously, "so I'm the leader."

"Hey, I know sword-fighting and I'm a great fire bender! Shouldn't that count for something?" I protest. 

"If anyone's the leader, it's Aang. He's the Avatar," Katara gushes. 

"Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid," Sokka says, incredulous. 

I look at Aang and see him hanging upside-down from one of Appa's horns and say, "Yeah no, I'll have to agree with Sokka on this one." 

"Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader?" Katara complains. 

"Honestly, men. They're all the same," I agree. Sokka glares at me, rolling his eyes, making me chuckle. 

"I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl," Katara probes. My head perks in interest. 

Sokka goes red, chagrined. "I have kissed a girl, you just haven't met her!"

"Well, actually Katara, she kissed him, not he kissed her," I correct. 

"Safiayh! Seriously?" Sokka scolds me, still blushing. 

Katara smiling wide. "Oh my gosh, really? Who is she?"

Sokka groans. "Look! My instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust his instincts."

"All jokes aside, he has a point. We don't need more bad run-ins," I agree. 

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